Saturday 20 June 2015

Seoul Central

The first GT foray into the Korea Republic began in GT4 with the inclusion of Seoul Central. This is a high-speed romp through downtown Seoul, South Korea. Its 1.69-mile (2.72-kilometer) length is short. In the fastest of cars, laps will literally fly by. In fact, you race 19 laps around Seoul Central in GT4's GT World Championship (notwithstanding is the fact you race this course in the Reverse direction in GT4's GT World Championship). This blog post is a look at Seoul Central.

--- Seoul Central ---

Seoul is the capital of South Korea. It is a major place for tourism as well as technology. Korean companies headquartered in Seoul include (thanks: Wikipedia) Samsung, LG, and Hyundai among others. You can show some Korean pride racing here with a Hyundai or the Proto Motors Spirra (Proto Motors is now Oullim Motors). Gran Turismo 4 is the first Gran Turismo to feature anything Korean- whether cars or tracks.

Seoul Central is situated within downtown Seoul, South Korea. It is a track with wide-open streets and only a few real challenging corners. It is otherwise a place to enjoy high-speed racing. A lot of people thought Seoul could have been longer. Then again, many people think every track should be as long as the Nürburgring Nordschleife just to be interesting.

One-Lap Description.

Try to carve a good enough line through the roundabout. Get up to speed and be met immediately with a moderately slow right-left complex. After a quick chicane, the road narrows heading into the next corner- a left-hand corner. The road then widens out and is followed by another left-hand corner that takes you onto the front straight. A rather quick lap is complete as you blast down the front straight.

If your car gets up to speed quite well, there's really no need to pile on horsepower. The only thing that will really trip you up setup-wise is if you can't take on the sudden corners around Seoul. So it's probably best to have a good top speed setup while also having a good setup for the corners. You almost have to prepare for this course like Tokyo Route 246. The only difference is that Seoul Circuit is at least less than a mile than Tokyo R246.

Video Lap.

Here is one lap around Seoul Central:

If I find a better video, I may update this one.

This is one of many different cities put into GT4. If you love my Gran Turismo blog, be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already. Use the table below so you can show your extended love for my work. Thank you for reading!

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