Saturday 27 June 2015

Circuito di Roma

The city of Rome returns for Gran Turismo 5, but in a new form. This 2.16-mile (3.48-kilometer) new Rome Circuit features some more narrow roads and some more elevation changes than the previous Rome Circuit from GT2 and GT3. Get ready for an experience different from the Rome Circuit you may have raced previously. This blog post highlights on what I like to call Neo-Rome (or Nuovo Rome).

--- Rome Circuit (GT5 Version) ---

The Rome Circuit in GT5 (which I call Neo-Rome) takes on a different character than the classic Rome course. Whereas the old Rome Circuit was a technical course worthy of Grand Prix motor racing, GT5's Rome Circuit features more elevation changes and tighter corners than the original course. You are actually racing parts of the classic Rome Circuit when you race in the Normal direction. You still race around the famed Roman Colosseum. What makes this course drastically different from the original Rome Circuit is that GT5's Rome Circuit is more narrow than the classic course. It also boasts more technical corners as well as much more blind sections than the Rome in GT2 and GT3. When you race this track in the Reverse direction, the backstretch leading to the Colosseum is really reminiscent of the trail around the classic Rome Circuit.

According to the Gran Turismo Wikia page, GT5's Rome Circuit utilizes both the classic Rome Circuit (Start/Finish to Turn 4) and the Rome-Night course (Turns 5 through 9) from Gran Turismo 2. Personally, I prefer the classic Rome Circuit. It has more character and is tougher (not to say GT5's Rome is easy by any stretch).

One-Lap Description.

Now a one-lap description. The Colosseum is to your right as you go down the front stretch. You head into a smooth left-right chicane. Halfway through this chicane, prepare to brake hard to set yourself up for two right-hand corners. Actually, this section is more like one very long double apex corner. The proper exit will set you up to go downhill into a fast left-hander. At this section, you'll be going to the far outside as you bank your way inside. What follows is a very sharp right-hand corner. Heavy braking is required to prevent your car from kissing the wall head-on. You'll need to release the brakes briefly before braking moderately mid-turn. A proper exit gives you the best chance to power out of that sharp corner to go full speed down the backstretch. This is the same backstretch in the road leading up to the Colosseum of the classic Rome Circuit. The road ahead will slightly bank to the right and go downhill. As you head downhill, this gives you the best chance to use your car's momentum to properly attack the trickiest corner on the track. A blind left-right chicane with a very sharp right turn follows as you head downhill. Brake hard through the chicane and power out of the corner through the sharp right-hand corner. What follows is a smooth right-hand corner that goes progressively uphill. Before a left-hand corner follows, some moderate braking is needed to keep the car stable. That left-hand corner follows a downhill progression followed by another double apex right-hand corner. Try to keep the car from overstepping the curbing and the white lines on the outside as you navigate this section. Should you survive this, all that remains is a full-throttle run to the Start/Finish line.

Considering the abruptness of the corners and the elevation changes throughout, this is a track that favors a good suspension setup. A setup that allows for efficient use of the tires and suspension. I think a balanced setup for transmission is more than appropriate here. Acceleration is a big key in speed, but this track doesn't require a setting like (for example) Cote d'Azur, where you have stop-and-go driving all the way around. So I would consider a setup that allows for good handling, a smooth ride around the various elevation changes, and with a transmission setup that allows you to properly power through some of the low-speed corners.

Video Lap.

Here is a video lap around GT5's Rome Circuit:

^ "Gran Turismo 5 - Audi R8 5.2 FSI Chrome Line on Rome"

I still think there should be two Rome Circuits in GT5- this one and the classic course. The chances we'll see the classic Rome Circuit is pretty unlikely, but wouldn't you love to see it make a come back?

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