Sunday 7 June 2015

Gran Turismo 3 License Tests

(UPDATED: September 13, 2014)

Gran Turismo 3's license tests will surely test your racing ability far beyond GT2. This is the only Gran Turismo which features its own license for rally racing. What you will see here will be no different from the other license test material I've featured previously. Four regular licenses, a Rally license, and the Super License all await you if you are to stand any chance of beating GT3. This is not the best advice online for each test, but it is my own personal sort of advice. Take it or leave it.


SEP 13 2014 - made certain proofreading edits

--- Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec License Tests at a Glance ---

Gran Turismo 3's license tests feature actual maps of the courses you will be racing for each test. Be sure to study each map and follow the directions to understand what you need to do in each test. An important factor of Gran Turismo 3's license test (as opposed to the past two GTs) is that you just can't rev your engine at full song and expect to pass. There are eight license tests for each section.

This game will challenge you to get a good launch off the line. Getting a proper launch can make all the difference as a few extra seconds can be shaved off from your time. If you run over any cones or pylon, you will automatically fail.

This game features its own Rally License. Unlike Gran Turismo 2's rally tests, the rally tests in GT3 are much tougher. No easy ride here!

--- GT3: B-License ---

As in any Gran Turismo game, it all begins with the B-License. These are all the basic driving and operation tests. You will have a variety of cars to use in helping you to understand the nuances of Gran Turismo 3.

Each license test in the B-License is done from a standing start. It is very important you get a strong launch off the line in all eight tests to make the most of your times in each test. Having strong standing starts can mean an extra few seconds shaved off of your lap times. Those extra few seconds can go a long way to helping you pass each license test. So don't overrev- start strong and finish stronger!

B-1: Start, Acceleration, and Braking I
B-2: Start, Acceleration, and Braking II
B-3: Basics of Cornering: Front-Wheel Drive
B-4: Basics of Cornering: Rear-Wheel Drive
B-5: Applied Cornering: Front-Wheel Drive
B-6: Applied Cornering: Rear-Wheel Drive
B-7: Basics of Complex Corners
B-8: B-License Final Exam

So let's begin with advice on each section!

B-1: Start, Acceleration, and Braking I.

CAR: Volkswagen New Beetle 2.0

• GOLD: 35.100
• SILVER: 35.400
• BRONZE: 35.800

Your car is a yellow Volkswagen New Beetle 2.0, and you will be using Test Course. Launch the FWD car down the track and think about when to brake. No steering is needed at all. Since this is not a fast car at all, you may want to consider braking somewhere between the 900m and 950m mark. Brake HARD- don't just depress the brakes hard. Instead, do what we call "poor man's ABS," where you depress the brakes hard in brief intervals. The clock stops when the car comes to a complete stop within the finishing area. Brake too late and run into the cones, and you will fail.

B-2: Start, Acceleration, and Braking II.

CAR: Dodge Viper GTS

• GOLD: 25.600
• SILVER: 25.800
• BRONZE: 26.300

The torque-happy Dodge Viper GTS is yours to blast down the 1000m track with in this test. Because this car is obviously much faster and quicker than the New Beetle, and since it has rear-wheel drive; you will be wrestling with power down the track. The same rules from the previous test apply to this one. Think about when to brake when heading down to about the 850m to 900m mark. Remember- get a strong start off the line. Getting a proper launch is just as important as eventually slowing this car down in the finishing area.

B-3: Basic of Cornering: Front-Wheel Drive.

CAR: Fiat Coupe Turbo Plus

• GOLD: 31.100
• SILVER: 31.400
• BRONZE: 32.500

You will need your steering wheel now because the first handling test in GT3 is on tap. A yellow Fiat Coupe Turbo Plus is your car to race around the first corner of Deep Forest. A dashed line is provided for you to trade the preferred racing line. Unlike in Gran Turismo 2, the line is colored. The blue line means you accelerate, and the red line indicates braking. Just seeing gray sections mean you should let off the throttle to either brake or accelerate. The Fiat is a front-wheel drive car, so clearing this section will require you to understand the handling limits of a FWD car. Follow the demonstration video to get an idea as to how to properly navigate this car around the turn.

B-4: Basics of Cornering: Rear-Wheel Drive.

CAR: Honda S2000

• GOLD: 29.100
• SILVER: 29.400
• BRONZE: 31.000

The peppy Honda S2000 will be your ride for this one. It is a great-handling 240hp sports car, and nothing makes your racing easier than using a great-handling car on a demanding course. Learn the limits of the Honda S2000 and make the most of its handling and power to pass this test. Only three tenths of a second separate the gold and silver times. If you get to silver, try to get a bit more speed to surpass the Gold time. Remember that rear-wheel drive cars deliver strong acceleration. Also remember, however, that rear-wheel drive cars can slip out from under you if you accelerate too early when exiting a turn. Take it from me- go easy with RWD cars. Bronze shouldn't be too difficult to obtain.

B-5: Applied Cornering: Front-Wheel Drive.

CAR: Honda Civic Type R (EK, J)

• GOLD: 34.400
• SILVER: 34.800
• BRONZE: 36.200

After taking on B-4 in one Honda, try B-5 in another Honda. You will be racing Grand Valley Speedway after the second hairpin. The road goes from the second hairpin into the first tunnel. Three corners await you here. Start slightly heading towards the outside of the first corner. No braking or letting off the throttle is required here. The second corner only requires you to let off the throttle before getting back on. The final corner is the only one that requires braking, and you don't have to do a whole lot of braking. Paramount to a solid lap time is how you go through the tunnel. I have learned that tunnels help you to gain speed since you don't have as much turbulence when racing at speed. My advice to get just a little more out of your lap time: rather than follow the racing line through the tunnel, try to blast straight ahead to pick up a little extra speed heading towards the finish line.

B-6: Applied Cornering: Rear-Wheel Drive.

CAR: Mazda MX-5 Miata LS

• GOLD: 33.000
• SILVER: 33.300
• BRONZE: 34.700

Mazda will entrust you with an MX-5 Miata. The same test from B-5 is yours to race on with a RWD roadster. The handling and performance limits are different from the Civic hatchback from the previous test. Because of this, you will need to treat this test and this car differently than in the previous test. Gather up this car if you get it to slide out somewhat while navigating each corner. It shouldn't be too hard to clear this test if you know what you're doing.

B-7: Basics of Complex Corners.

CAR: Toyota MR-S S Edition (J)

• GOLD: 33.300
• SILVER: 33.800
• BRONZE: 35.400

You will be racing the toughest bits of Deep Forest. The test begins out of the Turn 1 complex and through two short tunnels. Along the way are undulations in the road and lots of trees. Proper judging of each corner can make the difference between pass and fail. The MR-S will be the first mid-engine car you will use in license tests. Mid-engine cars deliver great handling, but can be very difficult to keep on the road. Do not overstep the boundaries of a mid-engine car's performance. If you do, you'll pay for it. Dearly.

B-8: B-License Final Exam

CAR: Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II (R32, J)

• GOLD: 43.000
• SILVER: 43.400
• BRONZE: 46.000

Remember this test? Well, you should because this is the same test from GT1's A-4 test. The only things separating you from getting your B-License are three tunnels, rock-faced roads, and a handful of turns. This is the first test involving a 4WD car. 4WD cars boast qualities of both FWD and RWD cars as an all-in-one. The traction of FWD combined with the acceleration and control of RWD come together for great handling. All of this, however, comes at the expense of 4WD cars being heavier because of all the 4WD parts. Trial Mountain is like a street course in that there are walls to both sides around most of the course. This said, don't let the rock walls intimidate you. Try to follow the racing line as best as you can. Head up the hill into the first tunnel and try not to let off the gas. After exiting the tunnel, brake semi-hard to take the next corner properly. Try to keep the Skyline stable through the rock-faced walls heading out of the first tunnel. Let off the throttle a bit (but don't brake) as you head into the second tunnel. Dart all the way to the outside and aggressively attack the very inside as you exit the second tunnel and go into the very long final tunnel. If you take the second tunnel properly, you will build up enough speed to blast through the final tunnel. Enjoy your B-License if you clear this one successfully.

There goes your B-License. Enjoy! It's time to get after the other licenses. So if you are not reading the full post, click "Read More" to continue.

--- GT3: A-License ---

The A-License tests require you to enhance your B-License skills. You need an A-License to compete in the Gran Turismo World Championship in the Beginner Events. The first five A-License Tests are done from a standing start while the final three are done from a rolling start. You will race faster and more powerful cars in more demanding settings.

The A-License requires you to apply your B-License skills and apply them towards more advanced situations.

A-1: Practical Cornering I
A-2: Practical Cornering II
A-3: Practical Cornering III
A-4: Circle Track: 60R, Dry Road
A-5: Circle Track: 100R, Dry Road
A-6: Long Corners
A-7: Blind Corner
A-8: A License Final Exam

A-1: Practical Cornering I.

CAR: Honda NSX Type S Zero

• GOLD: 32.900
• SILVER: 33.400
• BRONZE: 34.700

Welcome back to Grand Valley, and welcome back to Honda's garage. You will now be using an orange NSX Type S Zero to navigate the first hairpin of Grand Valley. Actually, you will start this race from near the road leading to the pits as you head into the first hairpin. The challenge in this test lies in the fact that this corner sweeps to the left before immediately shifting to the right. The absolute LAST thing you want to do is to misjudge this corner to a severe degree to where you fly off the track and into the gravel trap. Watch your line and drive carefully. Try to keep the car stable as you enter the corner and power out of the corner as best as you can. You will get up to about 120 mph as you head into the kink. You may get back up to about 120 mph as you get ready to start braking hard. Try to stay as far inside as possible through the hairpin to maximize the potential of your NSX. Just keep her out of the gravel trap.

A-2: Practical Cornering II.

CAR: Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II

• GOLD: 26.000
• SILVER: 26.300
• BRONZE: 27.600

Laguna Seca is one of only two real-world race courses. This is the only permanent real-world race course in GT3. The keys to a blue Nissan Skyline R34 will be handed to you as you race down the front straight and though the Andretti Hairpin. Take the kink smoothly as you head downhill. An advantage to this test is the elevation changes. With the downhill entry into the Andretti Hairpin, you will be able to get a good amount of speed out of your 4WD R34 Skyline heading into the Andretti Hairpin. Dart to the far outside and brake hard. Carve a good line through the apex to get a solid enough exit to lead to a sensational time.

A-3: Practical Cornering III.

CAR: Honda S2000

• GOLD: 29.900
• SILVER: 30.200
• BRONZE: 31.600

This is the first visit to Midfield Raceway, a high-speed road course with a few technical sections to keep you honest. Your car is a Honda S2000, and you will use this S2000 to clear the first section of Midfield Raceway, which consists of a very sharp right-hand corner that increases in radius and sweeps as you exit. Consider braking hard while turning properly once you go under the 50m turn marker. Try to maintain a decent amount of speed as you exit this corner.

A-4: Circle Track: 60R, Dry Road.

CAR: Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (J)

• GOLD: 43.900
• SILVER: 44.300
• BRONZE: 46.200

For the first of four circle track tests, you will be using a Mazda RX-7 FD on a circle track. The circle track tests are essentially skidpad tests. You will be asked to clear three laps around this circle track with a 60 radius. Stay as far inside as possible while making sure to keep the car stable under acceleration and turning. This is a consistency test. Anything less than consistent will result in failure. As a dirty trick, when you head toward the finish line as you clear the final lap, rather than stay far inside, go in a straight line to maximize your speed as you cross the finish. My Gold time was 43.844. That extra little burst of speed can go a long way.

A-5: Circle Track: 100R, Dry Road.

CAR: Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (J)

• GOLD: 55.800
• SILVER: 56.300
• BRONZE: 59.000

This license test demonstrates your ability to keep to the road on a circle track using the same car from A-4. This time, you will do so on a 100 radius track. You can afford to drive at a higher rate of speed since the radius is much larger than in the previous test. The difference in radius is 40 compared to the previous test. The same tactics from A-4 apply; only apply them to a larger track and at a higher rate of speed. Be careful, though- higher rates of speed mean better chances of the car getting unstable at speed. Slow down if you're going too fast so you can keep the car stable during this run.

A-6: Long Corners.

CAR: Jaguar XKR Coupe

• GOLD: 27.000
• SILVER: 27.500
• BRONZE: 29.500

This is the first license test that does not start with a standing start. Because of this, you do not have to worry about getting a proper launch to get a great lap time. Your car is a green Jaguar XKR Coupe. Keep this big, heavy cat on the road through two very long corners. Only the first corner requires braking. After this corner, throttle control and proper steering are both musts in clearing this test.

A-7: Blind Corner.

CAR: Chevrolet Camaro Z28

• GOLD: 14.200
• SILVER: 14.700
• BRONZE: 15.400

For the first time in the GT3 license tests, you will be racing on a street course. One of the biggest challenges of racing on a street course is in dealing with blind corners. They become a bigger problem on temporary courses than on permanent courses because many feature high walls, making seeing corners harder. Take the first two jumps at full speed, but be ready to brake semi-hard heading into the third jump. Get it just right, and you can simply powerslide your Camaro through the corner. I have won gold on every A-License course... except this one (for some reason).

A-8 License Test.

CAR: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR (J)

• GOLD: 15.530
• SILVER: 16.000
• BRONZE: 17.800

This will be a very quick license finale. However, you need to take it properly if you want to earn your International B license. This is the same test layout you use in IC-7 and IC-8 from Gran Turismo 2. Rather than an FWD Toyota or a RWD Honda, you are using a 4WD Mitsubishi. The Lancer will serve you well as you take the high-speed chicane and the sharp corner that follows. Find a good line through the chicane and prepare to brake hard while keeping the car stable. Attack the absolute inside of the sharp left-hand corner while powering out of the corner with all that Lancer has got. Get it right, and you win.

You can now compete in the Gran Turismo World Championship (Beginner) with your A-License! To reach legendary status, you'll need International licenses. The International-B is up next.

--- GT3: International-B License ---

No more preferred lines. The training wheels are off. It's now time to demonstrate your driving and racing abilities to new levels. This is the opportunity to take your learning from the B and A licenses and try more difficult challenges. When an International-spec racing talent, you demonstrate your ability to compete on a much more advanced level. Nowhere is this more apparent than when you try out the International license tests.

The International B license demonstrates your ability to take on and succeed in adapting to more difficult challenges. Better car control and more intense racing skill are tested here.

IB-1: Circle Track: 60R, Wet Road
IB-2: Circle Track: 100R, Wet Road
IB-3: Braking and Cornering I
IB-4: Braking and Cornering II
IB-5: Turning Acceleration and Weight Shift
IB-6: Fast Slalom 1: Assist ON
IB-7: Fast Slalom 2: Assist OFF
IB-8: International B License Final Exam

IB-1: Circle Track: 60R, Wet Road.

CAR: Chevrolet Corvette ZO6

• GOLD: 49.600
• SILVER: 50.200
• BRONZE: 52.800

This is another circle track test, but this time on wet roads. Here is the first-ever license test featured on wet roads. The fact that the road is wet makes for an overall loss of traction. Having a powerful rear-wheel drive sports car like the Corvette ZO6 means you'll need to do a whole lot to keep her on the track. Not only do you need to keep the car as inside as possible, you have to do so with a loss of traction thanks to slick roads.

IB-2: Circle Track: 100R, Wet Road.

CAR: Chevrolet Corvette ZO6

• GOLD: 1:01.600
• SILVER: 1:02.400
• BRONZE: 1:05.500

The Corvette returns for this Circle Track test. The last of these Circle Tracks is a 100 radius course on wet roads. Apply the same skills you've learned from the previous test to this one. Because the rate of speed is higher, this one is actually a little easier than the previous test. Still- remember that your traction isn't as good here as it is with the dry circle track tests.

IB-3: Braking and Cornering I.

CAR: Honda S2000 Type V (J)

• GOLD: 22.450
• SILVER: 23.000
• BRONZE: 24.500

This test begins halfway down the backstretch of Seattle Circuit. In it, you will be taking on a series of 90 corners. The goal in taking on these blind corners is to create a smooth racing line that will allow you to take all of the corners while still maintaining a solid average speed. Take advantage of the drop in elevation heading into the first corner. The first corner and the following chicane are the toughest of the corners in this test. Getting those right are crucial help you set the car up for the slightly easier second chicane. Proper entry and exit are both musts for this course.

IB-4: Braking and Cornering II.

CAR: Chevrolet Corvette ZO6

• GOLD: 19.700
• SILVER: 20.000
• BRONZE: 21.200

A red Corvette ZO6 will be used in taking on the first section of Seattle Circuit. This powerful RWD sports car will be used in taking on this section of Seattle Circuit with a blind double-apex section. This is by far the most difficult section of Seattle Circuit as screwing this part up can really break a lap time. Taking this section is tough. You're probably going to go wide anyways here, so just make sure to recover properly mid-turn. This one requires some practice (and maybe some patience).

IB-5: Turning Acceleration and Weight Shift.

CAR: Ruf 3400S

• GOLD: 28.800
• SILVER: 29.300
• BRONZE: 30.500

Race around most of the final section of Grand Valley with a Ruf. This is the first-ever license test involving the Ruf marque. This roadster is well set up and equipped to take on this course. Feel the weight shift around as you properly navigate this course. It begins with a long right that bends into a narrow left-right chicane. There is very minimal elevation change in this section, so there shouldn't be any worry about getting any assists from any elevation changes. Attack the inside of the long right, and then take on the chicane aggressively. You can't do too much damage since the walls are so close within the chicane. Gather the car up out of the chicane and floor the gas to the finish line. This is the final license test in the game that is done from a standing start.

IB-6: Fast Slalom I: Assists ON.


• GOLD: 23.900
• SILVER: 24.200
• BRONZE: 26.200

Complex String is a nightmarish track that would be too unreal to have as a proper race track. I personally prefer Complex String be a test track than a proper race track. You will perform a test on Complex String's slalom section in a Ruf RGT. This is also the first-ever license test with any sort of driver aids enabled. Here, driving assists are enabled. You will be able to go through this section a bit better than you would without assists.

IB-7: Fast Slalom II: Assist OFF.


• GOLD: 24.000
• SILVER: 24.300
• BRONZE: 26.300

The same course and car from IB-6 return for IB-7, but this time WITHOUT assists. So you will be getting the unmitigated and unrestricted character of the RGT's performance in this test. You ARE the driving aid- keep the car stable by properly balancing throttle and braking inputs.

IB-8: International B License Final Exam.

CAR: Honda NSX Type S Zero (J)

• GOLD: 31.700
• SILVER: 32.000
• BRONZE: 33.700

The IB final takes place from the Start/Finish line of Apricot Hill down to the very long sweeping left. Apricot Hill is notorious for its elevation changes and decisive corners. This entire section accounts for success or failure around this course. To maximize the most of your opportunities here, you will need to be solid in keeping the NSX inside the white lines. Let off the throttle or go full speed at the left-hand kink, but slow the NSX down heading into the following corner. A brief trip downhill leads to an awaiting right-hand corner with a little banking. Go back uphill to navigate a waiting right-hand corner that goes into a left-hand corner. The course is complete once you clear the sweeping left-hander that leads to the finish gate.

Knocked down another License! Let's get the International-A license now!

--- GT3: International-A License ---

By now, you're aware that as you try to get the bigger licenses, going from kid to adult just got tougher. The cars are faster, the courses are tougher, and the margin for error is thinner if you want to make even bronze. If you're scared up to this point and fearful about the upcoming tests, let me tell you from experience- this will NOT be easy. I can honestly tell you that in preparing this post, I have only one Silver from when I did IA-2. Everything else is Bronze. These tests are tough, but not impossible.

The International A License will test your ability of better understanding proper car control while also pushing your racing skills just one level further. Your tour of duty in Gran Turismo 3 for the License Tests just got absolutely tough.

IA-1: Fast Complex Corners I
IA-2: Fast Complex Corners II
IA-3: Fast Complex Corners III
IA-4: Braking and Cornering III
IA-5: Corkscrew
IA-6: Fast Complex Corners IV
IA-7: Undulating Corners
IA-8: International A License Final Exam

IA-1: Fast Complex Corners I.

CAR: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car

• GOLD: 40.000
• SILVER: 40.700
• BRONZE: 42.500

Making its debut to the license tests is Tokyo R246. Tokyo R246 is a street course utilizing central Tokyo in the Akasaka District. You will be using the backstretch and most of the second half of the course. The fact you are using a rally car here means that you will be racing a car that can properly and quickly take corners. While this is a long stretch of road, you will best be able to clear it if you drive it like it's one really long corner. All you need to do is let off the throttle at certain parts of the track rather than do even light braking. This course is not as easy as it looks. The only point you need to do any braking is when you leave the tree-lined roads after the chicane. This course is a test in throttle control and handling.

IA-2: Fast and Complex Corners II.

CAR: Honda Spoon 2000 (J)

• GOLD: 15.700
• SILVER: 15.900
• BRONZE: 16.400

Negotiate the final section of Trial Mountain in this test consisting of a downhill run that leads to a quick left-right chicane. Rather than any plain Honda S2000, you get the road-going S2000 from Spoon (not the racing variant). Many Gran Turismo racers intentionally overshoot this section (I did this once in GT2 to win a race!) to gain a serious speed advantage. Do NOT think you can just overshoot the chicane and expect to pass! This time, you have to learn to navigate the turn rather than overshoot it. The only recommendation I have is to attack the chicane without braking. With the right racing line used, you will be able to blast through this section without needing to brake. That is really the key to this test. The margins for each time are very thin. Concentrate and drive hard to clear this one!

IA-3: Fast Complex Corners III.

CAR: Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype

• GOLD: 23.400
• SILVER: 23.800
• BRONZE: 25.000

Remember this course? You raced it in B-7 with a Toyota MR-S. You now have to clear the same course in a rally car. This is the first-ever license test involving a concept car or some sort of conceptual race car. Take advantage of its 4WD and its boxer (or horizontally-opposed) engine to blast your way through this course. Also unlike B-7, you have a rolling start.

IA-4: Braking and Cornering III.

CAR: Castrol Mugen NSX JGTC (J)

• GOLD: 32.000
• SILVER: 32.400
• BRONZE: 34.400

Welcome to the first-ever test in Gran Turismo history involving a JGTC (now Super GT) race car. Cars in this league of racing have incredible handling and are quite fast. Maybe not FIA GT1 World Championship fast, but surely more advanced than their road-going cars. Two tricky parts of Tokyo R246 are available for you to race on. You will be facing the abruptly sharp first corner followed by another sharp corner with the Tokyo Diet Building in the distance. You will have to start braking hard around the 150m mark at the first corner. Before you pass under the final sign down the tree-lined boulevard, consider braking moderately to take the second sharp corner followed by a sweeping right. Get enough speed through both sections to land the best possible times.

IA-5: Corkscrew.

CAR: Dodge Viper GTS

• GOLD: 23.000
• SILVER: 23.300
• BRONZE: 25.000

Flashbacks of GT2, you will be racing Laguna Seca's world-famous corkscrew for the first time in GT3 (and certainly not the last!). The Corkscrew is a blind downhill chicane that can account for as much as a full second of your lap times around Laguna Seca. Remember that little extra runoff road in GT2's version? That runoff road is gone! The recommended point to start braking is when you get close to the "2" sign on the right-hand side. Once you reach the "2," begin to attack the apex of the corkscrew. Try to keep the car stable as you begin to brake. Then with careful steering, power your way through the first part of the corner as you head downhill. Getting the Corkscrew just right will allow you to graze just a little of the right curbing as you exit the Corkscrew. All that remains is the fairly smooth Rainey Curve, which should be taken almost as seriously as the Corkscrew because this is equally important to getting great lap times. This one is NOT be easy. Prepare to do this one several times until you finally get it right enough to land even a Bronze.

IA-6: Fast Complex Corners IV.

CAR: Pagani Zonda C12

• GOLD: 20.100
• SILVER: 20.400
• BRONZE: 21.300

Welcome to Rome, and welcome to Pagani. The Zonda C12 is ready for you to race on the streets of its native Italian roads. The streets of Rome that you will race on feature a seemingly fast section. The key to victory here is in throttle control and proper handling. It takes a smooth racing line to maximize the most of this car's abilities. Find this balance and make the most of this car racing this great race track.

IA-7: Undulating Corners.

CAR: Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II (R34, J)

• GOLD: 46.000
• SILVER: 46.600
• BRONZE: 49.500

Undulating corners are corners that have varying degrees of elevation to them. You have to go over five hills before heading into the final hairpin. Doing so requires you to keep the car stable as you go uphill and downhill while also turning through each corner. The real challenge of this course is judging the apexes of each corner. Really, the only braking you'll have to do is when you go over the first hill. The remaining four come down to throttle control. When heading into the final section (the hairpin), pay careful attention to your speed as you exit this double-apex hairpin. You can slide the car out of shape and not get enough speed if you take it the wrong way. Since you're going up and over so much, you have to judge where exactly where the apexes of each corner are to properly attack this course. In a way, think of this course as IB-7 with elevation changes. Be thankful you have a 4WD car for this one!

IA-8: International A License Final Exam.

CAR: Mine's Skyline GT-R N1 V-Spec (R34, J)

• GOLD: 1:08.850
• SILVER: 1:10.000
• BRONZE: 1:12.500

If you want to clear the IA licenses, you have to get through this final test at Complex String. Racing in the reverse direction, you will face a series of loops (western end of Complex String). You will encounter the loop with the largest radius first before finishing at the loop with the shortest radius. All the while, you will try to keep your Mine's Skyline on the road. You can afford to enter the first few loops with a good amount of speed. Each following loop requires you to lower your average speed to clear each one. This will not be easy. Get a feel for how each one drives before really getting serious and throwing down some serious lap times. There are no elevation changes to be concerned with here. Just drive hard and drive smart.

You survived! You got your IA-License! But wait... there's more. You'll need a Super License to really be done with the circuit racing in GT3. Let's get after the Super License now!

--- GT3: Super License ---

The Super License in GT2 was more like a final challenge. Here, you need a Super License because some of the races in the Professional Events REQUIRE a Super License. This even includes accessing the final racing challenge in the Professional Events. Unlike the others, the Super License tests are all time trials. Everything you have learned from the four previous license test series will come full circle and give you one last torture test. It is important to learn all of the courses and master the performance capabilities of each car to stand the best chance of landing the best times. Since these time trials are long and encompassing entire tracks, one cannot afford to slip up too severely at one part of the track because it could adversely affect the entire run. If you are struggling to land successful runs, all you can do is keep practicing. Watch the demo several times, perfect your driving skills a little more, and look for every possible way you can shave off valuable seconds from your lap times. Again: tough, but not impossible.

The Super License puts all of your abilities from the previous four Licenses to very practical use. Acquisition of this License is predicated on the driver's ability to take his/her acquired skills and apply them in one-lap time trials. Equally challenging is the ability to clear these time trials with certain cars handed to the drivers.

S-1: Apricot Hill Time Trial
S-2: Seattle Circuit II Time Trial
S-3: Trial Mountain Time Trial
S-4: Mid-Field Time Trial
S-5: SS Route 5 (Wet) Time Trial
S-6: Laguna Seca Time Trial
S-7: SS Route 11 Time Trial
S-8: Super License Final Exam

S-1: Apricot Hill Time Trial.

CAR: Opel Speedster

• GOLD: 1:40.500
• SILVER: 1:41.300
• BRONZE: 1:44.500

Opel lends you their mid-engined sports car for this time trial around Apricot Hill. Apricot Hill is a fairly short fictional race course that has characteristics worthy of a race track Formula One would race. The Speedster isn't very powerful or fast, so you can afford to race this track somewhat casually with its power and performance. Remember how you took the first half of the course in the NSX from the IB Final Exam. This advice will help you into the first part of the course. Next, take on the very long sweeping left. Get a good dose of speed to help you in heading into the awaiting slow hairpin past the Dunlop bridge. After this hairpin, pick up your speed with the awaiting sweeping corner that follows. Stay on the throttle for the following corner and maybe let off a little on the next corner. The most critical part of your lap is in taking care of the chicane that follows, lined up with cones. Don't even think about cutting this corner. If you make it cleanly, get up to speed coming out of the final corner and head straight downhill to the finish line.

S-2: Seattle Circuit II Time Trial.

CAR: Ford GT40 Race Car

• GOLD: 1:30.200
• SILVER: 1:31.000
• BRONZE: 1:35.000

For the first time since Gran Turismo 1, you will perform a time trial on a track in reverse. Seattle was raced on in Gran Turismo 2 with a Ford GT40. This time, you are racing the GT40 Race Car on a reverse run through Seattle. Seattle's reverse layout has the skies looking like a serious thunderstorm is going to impact the track, which is fitting because this time trial is going to come at you like a hard-hitting storm. This is an agile vintage car that gets up to speed fairly well. Its performance characteristics are mystifying in the least sense for this track. This course utilizes the toughest parts of the track first, so it is critical to get a solid lap time through the first half of the course to set yourself up for a somewhat easier second half. You are in trouble right away as you face the chicane first. It is a challenge trying to keep this car stable in the corners. You may need to watch the demo to get an idea of how this car looks when you get everything done right. Exercise patience and briefly work to improve your lap time during each run.

S-3: Trial Mountain Time Trial.

CAR: Mazda MX-5 Miata (J)

• GOLD: 1:52.200
• SILVER: 1::53.000
• BRONZE: 1:56.000

The rally course PD made a race track is up next- Trial Mountain. Take your Miata around the undulating nightmare known as Trial Mountain. This car only allows you to go so fast around a track like this. So take advantage of its performance characteristics and make the most of its capabilities to land a solid lap time around Trial Mountain. You will not need to do any heavy braking until about two different parts of Trial Mountain.

S-4: Mid-Field Time Trial.


• GOLD: 1:11.000
• SILVER: 1:12.000
• BRONZE: 1:14.000

Just like in IA-3, you will be racing a JGTC race car. This one is the Pennzoil NISMO GT-R. The GT-R you will be racing won the 1999 GT500 championship in the JGTC. Now, you will be using this car to power your way around Midfield Raceway. Your ability to score great times here relies on your ability to negotiate the many fast corners of this course. The first corner and the slow hairpin at the two most crucial parts of the track. If you've mastered how to complete these two sections in previous tests involving those two parts of the track, then you should have no problem taking on these two sections in a pure race car.

S-5: SS Route 5 (Wet) Time Trial.

CAR: Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX (AE86 Type I, J)

• GOLD: 1:58.900
• SILVER: 2:00.000
• BRONZE: 2:05.000

Special Stage Route 5 returns for a license test. This time, however, you will be racing this course on wet roads. This is the first-ever license test utilizing wet roads. Best news of all is that you are racing a car that is only SO powerful. It will not be easy competitively driving an underpowered RWD car on city streets and highways on wet roads. Keep in mind that there are no rain tires in GT3, so you're basically on normal tires trying to properly race the AE86 around a city course soaked in rain. Your only reprieve from the wet roads is in the tunnel after the front stretch. A more-than-decent run around the course will be good enough to net a Bronze. Just take your time and don't try to overdo anything around this course.

S-6: Laguna Seca Time Trial.

CAR: Dodge Viper GTS-R Team Oreca

• GOLD: 1:16.800
• SILVER: 1:18.000
• BRONZE: 1:22.000

One of the most successful GT racing cars of all time, the Dodge Viper GTS-R is yours to race around Laguna Seca. The two most critical parts of the track have both been used in previous tests. Now, you must clear one lap of the entire course racing a high-powered GT car. This V10-powered monster has plenty of torque. I always say that horsepower is for push while torque is for pull. Having said this, you'll be getting PLENTY of pull from your run around Laguna Seca. You really can't ask for a better car to use around Laguna Seca than this car. Laguna Seca is NOT easy. You will need to improve your driving skills by leaps and bounds to land even a bronze here. How you attack the world-famous Laguna Seca Corkscrew can make up as much as one full second of your lap time. So if you want to get any part of the track right, PLEASE get the Corkscrew right.

S-7: SS Route 11 Time Trial.

CAR: TVR Griffith 500

• GOLD: 2:10.000
• SILVER: 2:12.000
• BRONZE: 2:19.000

An old favorite returns for a license test. This time, you are racing with a TVR Griffith 500 (as opposed to the Griffith 4.0 in GT1), and you are racing a different version of Special Stage Route 11 from GT1. The only difference between GT3's version and GT1's version is that GT3's version does not utilize the bus stop chicane under the Start/Finish highway. That part has been replaced with a high-speed section with a quick chicane. That is the ONLY difference between this course and GT1's SSR11. That, and all the different scenery options that make up this course. So if you played this course in GT1, the only thing that's changed is the different part of the track linking the two halves of the course. The TVR you are racing is very light and agile. You do need to be careful not to push this car too far.

S-8: Super License.

CAR: Toyota GT-One Race Car (TS020)

• GOLD: 1:31.000
• SILVER: 1:32.000
• BRONZE: 1:35.000

If this track looks familiar, it should, because this is the same street course Formula One races in the Principality of Monaco. You have NEVER raced this track in GT3 until now. Your car is the 1999 Toyota GT-One Race Car that had to play runner-up to the Le Mans-winning BMW V12 LMR in the 1999 Le Mans 24 Hour race. The GT-One is incredibly fast and powerful as well as agile. The question here is... how do you complete a lap around Cote d'Azur in under 1 minute, 35 seconds? The answer: PRACTICE! The lap I logged in my run around this course was 1:34.346. The best way to post the fastest laps is to keep racing this course and try to beat your ghost lap. Learn this course on the fly to make the most of your lap time. You are NOT going to get a Gold time (or even a Bronze) right away, so keep practicing. All corners are blind. It may be recommended you save your best Ghost Lap times to help you to practice running laps on this course better. Study the demo and try to take as many cues from the demo as possible to help construct your run around the course.

Did you clear all eight? Congratulations! You can finally go racing again and not have to worry about clearing any more tests! That is... unless you want to go for your Rally License.

--- GT3: Rally License ---

For the first time in Gran Turismo history, this license only features rally racing. Also, it is the first time a series of license tests involve only race cars. The Rally License demonstrates your ability to race on tarmac and non-tarmac courses in rally environments. You can earn this license right away before having to do any of the other licenses, but it is really recommended you do the original license tests first before doing the Rally License because the Rally License assumes you know how to operate and competitively use a car.

If you have played Gran Turismo 2's rally tests, you realize you could EASILY get gold. The most important thing to remember about rally racing is that practical driving will not get you far in rallying. You need to learn to drive aggressively (yet in a smart way). You may also have to get more accustomed to using the emergency brake to help get a drift going. There is no such thing as going off-course in a rally environment.

R-1: Rally Driving Basics I
R-2: Rally Driving Basics II
R-3: Rally Driving Basics III
R-4: Practical Rally Driving I
R-5: Practical Rally Driving II
R-6: Drifting Techniques I
R-7: Drifting Techniques II
R-8: Rally License Final Exam

R-1: Rally Driving Basics I.

CAR: Peugeot 206 Rally Car

• GOLD: 15.600
• SILVER: 16.000
• BRONZE: 17.300

Beautiful Tahiti is where your Rally License quest will begin. You will be racing into the first corner of Tahiti Circuit (formerly Tahiti Dirt Route 3). The course goes through the Start/Finish line and features only the first corner of Tahiti Circuit. You are racing one of my all-time favorite rally cars- the Peugeot 206 Rally Car. There are two ways to attack this course, both of which will give you a fairly easy prize: (1) use the E-Brake while on the tarmac to slide onto the gravel easily, or (2) do as the demo driver does and try to get an easy drift by quickly veering off to the outside to get a drift going. Either method works. Just clear this course with confidence.

R-2: Rally Driving Basics II.

CAR: Toyota Corolla Rally Car

• GOLD: 29.200
• SILVER: 29.600
• BRONZE: 31.800

From my favorite rally car... to my least favorite (in this game, at least), you are going with the Toyota Corolla Rally Car around the final third of Smokey Mountain. No braking is needed at all until halfway through the tunnel. Most of the rest of the way is about careful car control without needing to let off the throttle. It doesn't take too much to get a Bronze here.

R-3: Rally Driving Basics III.

CAR: Ford Escort Rally Car

• GOLD: 22.300
• SILVER: 22.700
• BRONZE: 24.000

Welcome to the Swiss Alps! You will negotiate two sharp corners followed by one long right-hand corner. Connecting the two sharp corners is a switchback. The test starts on the wooden bridge and winds its way towards a very tough and crucial part of the track that you will not race until later in the Rally License tests. Your car is the Ford Escort Rally Car. The real key in how your lap ends up is how you take the kink followed by making a switchback. You can pull a Bronze with good driving and maintaining a solid drift coming out of the second sharp corner.

R-4: Practical Rally Driving I.

CAR: Toyota Celica Rally Car

• GOLD: 22.400
• SILVER: 22.800
• BRONZE: 24:300

One of the most successful rally cars of the 1990s, you will be using the Toyota Celica Rally Car around the roads after the tight hairpin of Tahiti Circuit. The course extends to just before the final corner of the course. Try to attack the corners in your Celica with precision by drifting effectively into each corner.

R-5: Practical Rally Driving II.

CAR: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car

• GOLD: 26.850
• SILVER: 27.300
• BRONZE: 29.600

This course picks up where R-3 left off and in a different car. The Lancer Evolution VI is your car to go around four different corners. The first corner is crucial to get right. Mid-turn, you'll need to make a switchback as the road goes from right to a long left. After a brief straight, the a long right awaits to complete the lap. Don't flail out too wildly in the long corners.

R-6: Drifting Techniques I.

CAR: Lancia Delta HF Integrale Rally Car

• GOLD: 29.400
• SILVER: 30.000
• BRONZE: 31.800

The final three License Tests take place around Tahiti Maze, and you are entrusted with one of the greatest marques of all time in rally racing for the R-5 test- Lancia. The Delta HF Integrale is the car of choice for this test. You will be racing the second of a series of hairpin corners here. These hairpins have a larger radius than the first set of hairpins. Your task is to attack the inside of all of the hairpins while also maintaining a solid line around each hairpin. Modest elevation changes and proper brake and throttle control are all factors in having solid times here. You have a great car to use on a challenging course- make the most of it!

R-7: Drifting Techniques II.

CAR: Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype

• GOLD: 22.400
• SILVER: 22.800
• BRONZE: 24.600

Racing in the reverse direction, you will navigate the first set of hairpin corners of Tahiti Maze. There are three hairpin corners that all are pretty equal in radius. If anything, this is a consistency test in making sure you keep the car pointed in the correct direction while in opposite lock. This Subaru can take these hairpins quite well. Can you, though?

R-8: Rally License Final Exam.

CAR: Mitsubishi Lancer VII Rally Car Prototype

• GOLD: 1:58.700
• SILVER: 2:00.000
• BRONZE: 2:08.000

Tahiti Maze provides your final challenge as you must run one full lap around the course. The Lancer Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype will be your rally weapon for this course. It is important that you have mastered R-5 through R-7 because the critical sections have all been featured. A lap begins by being on the tarmac heading into the first corner. Heading into the kink, the tarmac will transition to loose gravel. Three hairpins will follow (from R-7, but in the normal direction). Upon successfully navigating these hairpins, a long section with a left-hand kink and a very long left follows. After going downhill, you are faced with a sharp right followed by a sweeping right hairpin. What follows is a switchback that leads to a left hairpin. Take it easy afterwards as a few fast corners will set you up for next part of your rally time trial in paradise. That next part of Tahiti Maze includes the hairpins from R-6. You cleared them in a Lancia. Now, clear them in a Mitsubishi. After you clear the final of those hairpins, a left kink followed by a right kink await you as you transition back to tarmac. Since you are on dirt tires, you don't get as much traction on tarmac surfaces as you do on dirt or gravel. Take this into consideration as you head towards the Start/Finish line. Pat yourself on the back if you clear a lap around here south of 2 minutes.

The Rally Events are now available for you to race. Go take care of business in the Rally Events!

That concludes this look at the GT3 license tests. It may be updated to include and reflect more information. Thank you for reading!

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