Monday 1 June 2015

Coaster Racer Series

The Coaster Racer series from Turbo NUKE offers a unique Flash racing experience. Imagine racing courses with ridiculous elevation changes and wild jumps. That is what you're going to get when you race in Coaster Racer by Turbo Nuke. The blog post here is my own look at the Coaster Racer series followed by my review of the series. I will let you know what I think about these games with this blog post.

And what do you know? This is my *official* 200th post to "John's Race Space!"

--- Coaster Racer Series ---

The Coaster Racer series is a trilogy which offers one of the smoothest and most insane Flash racing experiences online. It is a racing experience that can be described as something close to SEGA's classic '80s racer "Power Drift." The only difference between Power Drift and the Coaster Racer games is that the Coaster Racer games are all done in first-person (as opposed to Power Drift's third-person view). Also, you can freestyle in these games unlike in Power Drift! These Freestyles allow you to fill your nitro faster by taking your hands off the steering wheel or handle bars (if on a motorcycle). That is about the only game similar in experience and execution to Coaster Racer. The three titles have you racing on tracks with multiple elevation changes and even portions of track without any guard rails or anything to save you from falling off. You must take your vehicle around all of the courses trying to finish in a qualifying position to compete in the next event. You earn credits towards upgrading your vehicles. Unlike some other Flash games I've played from Turbo Nuke, all of your upgrades go towards individual vehicles rather than every vehicle you earn. This is key to remember for when you play Coaster Racer 2 and Coaster Racer 3. All of the games in the Coaster Racer series offer you to choose a difficulty setting except Coaster Racer 3.

Coaster Racer.

This game features eight tracks. Each race event is two laps long, and you must finish in a certain position to unlock the next track. Pick up dollar icons to give yourself some extra money to use to upgrade your car. If your car is damaged, you may elect to pay to have your car back in perfect shape. Having a fully damaged car doesn't force retirement. You basically will just have a messed up car that has degraded performance. There are sixteen drivers to a track, yourself included. Do the best you can to try to make it to the front!

Coaster Racer 2.

The sequel to the first Coaster Racer features new challenges and the option to race a motorcycle along with a car. This game features ten tracks each with ten challenges. Challenges are unique to the car and the motorcycle. The races are two-lap races. Just like in the previous installment, you must finish in a certain position to advance to the next race. Collect cash icons to give yourself more credits to buy items to upgrade your car or bike. You don't have to worry about repairing a damaged car in this game because there is no measure of damage to your car in this game. Adjust difficulty from Easy to Hard for the sort of challenge you are comfortable racing with.

Coaster Racer 3.

There are sixteen tracks that await you and three vehicles to choose from (two you must unlock). You begin with a buggy, and you must keep racing to unlock the motorcycle and the F3 car. I don't know any real different performance advantages among the three vehicle types. You must qualify in a certain position to advance to the next race. Unlike the other Coaster Racer games, races are one point-to-point race. New to Coaster Racer are events such as hitting fruits scattered around the track for you to hit as many as possible to advance. Including yourself, there are 20 racers on the track. Try to finish as high as you can in each race! One thing to be careful of is that doing wheelies and such on a motorcycle can be dangerous as you can go over a jump and end up in a part of the track that has no barriers to it. Remember that the Coaster Racer games are in first-person, and your vision of the road is different on a motorcycle than in a car.

You now have an idea on each game. Time now to offer a review on all three titles.

--- Coaster Racer Series: Reviews ---

Each paragraph is a review of the individual title. Here goes...

Coaster Racer offers a great deal of fun trying to race the games' eight tracks. If you play this or any other Coaster Racer title for anything, play for the combination of insane racing and roller coaster thrills.Going up and down can actually be quite daunting in these games. But here, it's quite fun. There is no problem with a sense of speed in this game. You can really play at a level you are comfortable with by choosing a difficulty level.

Coaster Racer 2 offers the same insanity as the first title, but with cleaner and more fluid graphics. There isn't really any sort of performance difference with the car or the bike. The Challenge races help provide a little replay value outside of the main races. This deal will not disappoint you, especially if you enjoyed the first Coaster Racer.

The best overall experience can be had with Coaster Racer 3. There is a lot of replay value in taking on the side challenges outside of the main races. It can also be the most frustrating of the three Coaster Racer games especially in the later races. You seem to do almost everything to win or hope you've done enough to finish in a qualifying position... only to fall short.

And there you have it. Hope you enjoy racing in the Coaster Racer games if I was able to grab your interest.

Video Previews.

I tried to find the best possible videos to give you an idea on each game. Here are my findings for you all:

^ "Coaster Racer (free web game)"

^ "Coaster Racer 2"

^ "" (I couldn't find a shorter video)

Want to Play?

Want to play these games? I've included links to where you can play them right from Turbo NUKE's website. Click on the links to play each of the individual titles:

Coaster Racer on Turbo NUKE
Coaster Racer 2 on Turbo NUKE
Coaster Racer 3 on Turbo NUKE

For more games from Turbo NUKE, please visit

I am sorry I failed to post anything for February 2015 to "John's Race Space." I actually tried to get this blog review in time, but I never completed it before the calendar changed to March 2015. What is most important is getting this blog post released. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed my blog post. I'll be sure to talk about more racing games here on "John's Race Space" in the future. You can be sure of that. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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