Thursday 11 June 2015

A Special Announcement

I have a special announcement to make to all of my fellow Gran Turismo fans. Welcome everyone to "John's Gran Turismo Space!" I am humbled by your presence. Salutations aside, let me make my announcement right here in my GT blog:

I FINALLY have Gran Turismo 5 and a PlayStation 3!

This will give me an opportunity to finally make material for Gran Turismo 5. Please note that anything I create for GT5 and on GT5 will take some time as I am continually learning more about this game. I want to create the best experience in mentioning and discussing GT5. So therefore, I will keep playing GT5 and reserve any and all commentary and discussions regarding GT5 until I've gathered enough experience to professionally share material with all of you.

In addition, existing blog posts regarding certain elements of Gran Turismo will be edited to include information from my playing of Gran Turismo 5. This is to provide greater assurance to my readers.

Thanks to all of my readers for having patience with me. And also, thanks to all of you for reading!

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