Tuesday 16 June 2015

Donate to Japan

Since I haven't made anything good lately for JGTS, I will use this time to talk about the 8.9 earthquake that rocked Japan on Friday last week. If you are visiting this blog and want to donate money to help fund recovery efforts in Japan, Google has set up a crisis response page that will donate funds to the Japanese Red Cross Society.

You may visit this resource by visiting Google's Crisis Response Page for the Sendai Earthquake. If you wish to donate, your donation must be between 100 yen and 50,000 yen. Google's Crisis Response page utilizes Google Checkout to handle donations.

Tweets I've read (and translated) from Kazunori Yamauchi a few days ago noted that Polyphony Digital is safe and that everyone is alright at PD after the quake. It is certainly great that these people are well.

Again- I'm not doing anything special with this blog right now. So therefore, I wanted to post something useful just to get your attention and get you into action. If you are reading this post, thank you very much. PLEASE do what you can to offer help or good fortune to those who most need the support and the love. Thank you very much for visiting John's Gran Turismo Space.

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