Wednesday 10 June 2015

A GT Admittance of Mine

Not having Gran Turismo 5 and/or a PS3 has really handicapped my ability to effectively keep this blog going. I still created this blog to compliment my Gran Turismo fans. There is one thing to take note of with all of my work on JGTS (John's Gran Turismo Space)- I will NOT do any Gran Turismo 5-themed blog posts until I have actually PLAYED GT5, and I will need to play GT5 for a good amount of time to truly and professionally discuss matters of Gran Turismo 5. Professionalism is what I work towards in all of my blog posts. On top of this, I can't be professional about a game I haven't played or have enough experience with to share in a quality manner. That is why you don't see as many blog posts regarding Gran Turismo 5 so far. When I do get to play GT5 (and likely to own and play GT5), I will work to make more content regarding Gran Turismo 5 both here on JGTS and on John's Blog Space.

I am not getting as many views for John's Gran Turismo Space, but at least appreciate that I am trying to make this blog work for myself and for all of you reading. Never create ANYTHING for the Internet if you don't feel it will be of any use or value to others. This blog was created for Gran Turismo fans featuring commentary from me. At least I am someone who properly keep something like this going. Also, I at least know I can do much more to make it work. Regardless, I think not being able to play/own GT5 has really crippled the hopes of this blog becoming just a tad more popular.

I am letting you know in advance- I am still working on getting my PS3 and GT5 to make more quality content for this blog and for my primary blog at John's Blog Space. This blog post is just to say that I am sorry that I cannot supply GT5-themed material as of yet. I cannot make blog posts and videos on a game I don't have or don't know about that much. That is why I haven't made as many posts or videos on GT5, especially lately. However, I am definitely working on getting a PS3 and GT5. So just know this- John's Gran Turismo Space will NOT die out in obscurity. More content will be provided to keep this blog going strong. Have patience, everyone. You had patience waiting for Gran Turismo titles; patience is appreciated for this blog.

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