Thursday 18 June 2015

Endurance Racing Advice

Endurance racing is an intense challenge. It requires you to withstand longer-than-usual racing distances. Not everyone can take on the endurance racing challenges Gran Turismo provides. So therefore, I offer my advice to help out fellow GT gamers with endurances. I hope my advice can be of help to you.

--- Endurance Racing Advice ---

Gran Turismo endurance
^ Are you in it for the long haul? If not, maybe my advice can help you.

An endurance race in Gran Turismo lore is an extended contest of speed. These are races that last much longer than any average sprint race in Gran Turismo. I used to talk to people about Gran Turismo. Some people tell me that they can't make time for the long endurance races. Even in som championships, some events outside of endurances are very long. Take the Formula GT races in GT3 and GT4 and the "1000 Miles!" events in GT4, for instance. Whether it's one hour or 24 hours, one needs to be ready to log a longer-than-normal session to take advantage of these endurance racing challenges. In so, I have prepared some advice to help out people daunted by the challenge of doing endurance races.

This is what makes me different from most other people. You know, I could make fun of people who don't want to do longer races. I could tell people that they are making too many excuses. I'm not like that. Because I believe in helping out others and offering quality material to others, I am lending my advice to others. I don't have the best advice, but it is still MY advice.

So here are some main points I'd like to share with all of you.

1.) Make time for endurances.

The most important thing to remember about doing any race is that you have to make time for them. Endurance races last more than one hour, so the basic rule of thumb is that in any true endurance race, be sure to have at least an hour of your time to make ready to complete the race. Most endurance races last two or more hours. This is the first thing to keep in mind when doing these events.

Some gamers may even argue that one can make time to do long periods of gaming in any other genre, so what makes racing games any different? Anyone who can make time for a long gaming session in any other genre of games can make the same amount of time for a racing game. So this is the very first thing I would recommend- make time for endurance races.

Sort of think about how long each race can last. One example I will give is that the Grand Valley 300km usually lasts two hours, give or take.

2.) Plan Your Strategy Accordingly.

The "strategy" being discussed here is in selecting tire choice as well as following a certain pit stop cycle. Remember that your tires will wear out over a long period of time in Gran Turismo games. Pay close attention to the the rate of tire wear. Stay away from soft tires in long-distance races. The softest of tires you should have are Medium tires. Be sure to invest in Hard tires in being able to race for long distance. Races that require Sports/Standard tires usually mean you race with either Sports Medium or Sports Hard tires.

It is equally important to have a well-set up car. If you find out you are pitting more often than usual, it means you do not have a properly-set car. Spending more time in the pits than on the track only gives the rest of the opposition plenty of chances to pass you. Make sure to set your car up properly so that you don't have to be stuck with a poor setup all race long. Your tire choices are fixed in GT1 through GT3, so pick a good tire setup that will help you through those endurances. A good rule of thumb is to have Hard tires available. Pick a tire setup that suits your car best based on its performance capabilities. If a race requires a Normal car (GT3) or any setup that disallows Racing tires, your options are even more limited.

Just keep these things in mind as you go through the endurance races of Gran Turismo.

3.) "Marathon, Not a Sprint."

It is a cliché, but it's true. You have plenty of time to make your move. You have to endure the rigors of long-distance racing to win. Think carefully about planning your attack. Here is another racing cliché: you can not win any race in the first corner, but you can certainly lose it. So think before you attack. Remember that endurance racing requires total concentration for long periods of time.

4.) Go For Overkill if Daunted.

Pick a suitable car for a given endurance. An endurance race with no restrictions basically leaves you free to pick whatever vehicle you wish to use to win. It will also allow you to tune the car up to whatever level you are happiest with to make the most of your racing experience. If you find a certain loophole in restrictions and feel daunted about certain endurances, go use a car much more powerful than your opposition. You may get a negative reaction from others, but at least you feel happy knowing you've brought a car that clearly dominates all of the others.

5.) Use B-Spec and Speed Up Time (GT4 Only).

This advice is for Gran Turismo 4 only. An advantage to Gran Turismo 4 is that you can use B-Spec and speed things up (especially if in a capable car). You won't earn any A-Spec points, but you can still complete an endurance quicker with a capable car. You can run a 24-hour race in B-Spec from start to finish in 10 hours if you run at 3x speed. Just be sure to regularly check on your B-Spec driver in case you need to make some timely changes to your car's setup. Endurance races can be long, but at least you know you don't have to run them in A-Spec if you don't have the time.

6.) Take Advantage of Saves (GT5 Only).

As of this blog post, I have NEVER done an endurance in Gran Turismo 5. All I know is that the latest updates will allow you to save your progress during longer races. So make sure to take advantage of this as you're racing. These saves will allow you to play for as long as you can without fear of you having to do it all over again.

And there you go.

You too can become a champion of Endurance racing in Gran Turismo! This advice is just my own sort of recommendations for all of you in regards to endurance racing in GT. Thank you for reading!

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