Monday 16 November 2015

Xtreme Trilogy

The Xtreme trilogy for the PlayStation 1 featured three racing games in the realm of action sports. No cars at all are used in this series. Instead, you race with bicycles, roller skates, luge boards, and skateboards, and snowboards. This blog post is a brief look at all three titles in this series. In fact, this may be the first game or game series I ever featured that does NOT involve any motorized transportation.


The video content features some punching and kicking violence. So when I show you videos later in this blog post, it is very important I say this:

Do NOT attempt any of the stunts or actions in these games! Or as we say... "don't try this at home!"

I'm sure you probably already know that, though. So let's begin!

--- Xtreme Trilogy ---

This blog post now takes a look at each of the three games in the Xtreme series. The Xtreme games are all about point-to-point racing in a no-holds barred battle to the finish line. Crafty racers can pull stunts just to look cool. You can attack your opposition with punches and kicks while on your certain mode of transportation. You may whack somebody so good that they end up falling down or getting knocked off of their item. While going down each course, there are gates to clear offering both points/credits and powerups. These gates may provide you the edge you need to win as well as get enough credits to acquire more capable items.

Each game, except "3Xtreme" was made by Sony Interactive Studios America. The aforementioned 3Xtreme was done by 989 Studios.

--- Xtreme Trilogy: The Games ---

Now let's look at each of the individual games. I would like to thank all the ones who allowed their video content to be embedded. Click on the link to view in YouTube if you can't view embedded media.

Xtreme/1Xtreme (1995).

This game was once named ESPN Extreme Games. However, because of the expiration of the license, it was simply re-named to Xtreme (or 1Xtreme). The first Xtreme was released in 1995 and features five different venues to race in- all real-world locales. They take you to points across America, South America, and one in Italy. You can earn credits good towards purchasing more capable equipment. Among the items you can use are bicycles, skateboards, street luge boards, and inline skates. Up to 16 racers (including you) are on the track at once. Do single exhibition races. Or for the dedicated, try participating in championship action. You even earn some points for pulling tricks during races. So don't be afraid to hot dog while trying to win the race.

Here is a video I found which gives you an idea of what Xtreme is like (WARNING: VERY long!):

^ "ESPN Extreme Games / 1 Xtreme (PS1) "

2Xtreme (1996).

The sequel to Xtreme (or 1Xtreme) completely did away with ESPN licensing, and it also offers a new style of action- snowboarding. You get to compete in four locales: Japan, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Africa. Unlike in the previous title, you can't choose any vehicle for each course. Whatever item you'll be using depends on the course. It does make sense, because it would be tough trying to ride a bicycle on snow, for example. Your vehicle options does not include a street luge board. Instead, that slot now goes to a snowboard. You can choose between a number of characters each with different abilities. It is possible to even create your own characters with certain attributes. Each race features ten characters on track. In this game, there are certain powerups you can pick up by crossing certain gates. These allow you do do things like attack opposing racers harder, go faster, jump higher, and more. Add to your score by clearing the various gates. You also earn points towards pulling off tricks and knocking down your opposition.

Here is a video demonstration of 2Xtreme:

^ "PS1 2Xtreme Intro & Gameplay"

3Xtreme (1999).

3Xtreme is the final game in this trilogy. Unlike the previous titles, this game does not feature real-world locations. This game was also made by someone different than the previous group- 989 Studios. You do get to use any number of equipment for a course as well as be able to choose between different characters. You earn points for pulling stunts and crossing gates. Event types range from races to stunt courses. You can unlock more material by performing well in the various seasons in this game.

This is 3Xtreme:

^ "3Xtreme PSX PS1 1999 Playstation"

That concludes a look at this trilogy.

I think this is the first non-motor racing game I reviewed or highlighted here on "John's Race Space." It is quite a change of pace for a blog initially and exclusively about Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy. I am providing more because I want this to eventually be more than just a Gran Turismo or a Tourist Trophy blog. I hope you enjoy my efforts. Thank you for reading!

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