Saturday 28 November 2015

GT5 Specials: Gran Turismo Rally

Rally racing makes its return as Gran Turismo 5 takes you through the intense realm of rally racing. It is a style of racing that combines controlled frenzy while also properly navigating a car around some intense corners on winding roads. Have the best combined time to win in rally racing. This blog post will not help you win in rally racing, but it will give you a little bit of pointers on rally racing in GT5.

--- Gran Turismo Rally ---

Gran Turismo 5 Rally
^ Get ready to get sideways on gravel, snow, and tarmac in the Gran Turismo Rally.

"The fastest overall time through all of the Special Stages will win in this realistic rally event."

Gran Turismo's best attempt at rallying was exhibited in Gran Turismo 5. Gone are the rallycross-type courses that have defined GT rallying since its Gran Turismo 2 debut. You will be racing on generated rally stages. This is the first-ever Gran Turismo title whose rally mode does not utilize the rallycross-style courses (Toscana, Chamonix, etc.). You are racing proper rally courses here. Though they may be generated rally courses in one of three different Course Maker environments, you are doing point-to-point rally racing in this mode.

Early on, the courses are pretty weak sauce. Just wait until you do the Intermediate and (especially) Advanced courses, though! Realistic weather and time changes also help make these events fun to race. Each event is a one-day rally with a different number of stages. The rallying gets more interesting as you compete in the tougher rally classes. You encounter more intense and longer roads in tougher stages as opposed to in the basic Beginner rally. I think if there was more variety in the surroundings and character of each generated course, the rallying would be much better. It's still very good for what it is.

Gran Turismo Rally: Briefing.

All of the events you will be racing in are on generated tracks. You may not know what kind of course you will be racing on, so the best thing to keep in mind is to study what generated track is given to you and adjust from there. The Gran Turismo Rally is divided into three different difficulty levels and offer a certain number of events. Each level of difficulty features one rally of each of the following: gravel rallies with the Liege environment, snow rallies with the Alaska environment, and tarmac rallying with the Toscana environment. The Beginner GT Rally features three Special Stages with very easy to learn courses. The Intermediate GT Rally features five Special Stages with some complex corners. The Advanced Gran Turismo Rally features eight special stages with some of the longest and most intense courses of all. You do not need to win every stage, but you must have the best combined time to win each rally.

When you begin any rally in this series of Special Events, you will start behind three other rally cars that share the track with you. Cars will be sent off in intervals of about five seconds. When your car is sent off, it is very important to listen to your co-driver, as the co-driver will let you know of when the next corner is coming up and how long the road ahead is. Drive aggressively while making sure to stay controlled. Try to get a good slide into the corners while keeping the car firmly balanced. Hard impacts with the walls or into other racers will result in penalties that slow you down for as much as about five seconds. So don't try to get any sort of unrealistic advantage by doing a lot of wall riding.

The gravel stages represent some of your most basic rally races. Gravel allows you to be more aggressive and daring in your driving. It can be very fun pushing your car to the limit on these gravel stages. From my experience playing GT5, the snow rallies can be incredibly easy. Hard, consistent driving can easily land you top honors for each stage. Rallying on tarmac isn't as fun as rallying on gravel. And really, you could bring almost any car you want for the tarmac rallies as long as you have the required tires and horsepower regulations. As you may know, not every car can be equipped with Dirt or Snow tires. Make sure your car can be equipped with Dirt or Snow tires if you intend on using it in the gravel and snow rallies.

• You must have Dirt tires for Gravel rallies and Snow tires for snow rallies.
• You must be at Level 10 or higher to compete in the Beginner rallies, and your car must have no more than 246 horsepower to compete. Sports Soft tires (or less) are required for the tarmac rally on this level.
• You must be at Level 15 or higher to compete in the Intermediate rallies, and your car must have no more than 345 horsepower to compete. Sports Soft tires (or less) are required for the tarmac rally on this level.
• You must be at Level 20 or higher to compete in the Advanced rallies, and it requires any proper rally car. There are no horsepower restrictions.
• Penalties will be enforced for collisions or wall-riding.

--- Gran Turismo Rally: Beginner (Level 10) ---

The Beginner level of Gran Turismo Rally requires for your car to be at 246 horsepower or less. Be sure you have invested in Dirt Tires and Snow Tires before attempting rally racing on (respectively) gravel or snow. The humble beginnings of your rally racing career will begin with three rallies. Learn the basics of rally racing as you go along. Because you are racing on generated roads and in generated environments, you will not know what specific course you will get. So the challenge lies in what generated courses you will get. You must learn to adjust and adapt to these challenges both in driving and in execution. Try hard to finish high in each rally.

REMEMBER: You must be at Level 10 or higher to compete in the Beginner rallies, and your car must have no more than 246 horsepower to compete. Sports Soft tires (or less) are required for the tarmac rally on this level.

• 1st: 27,000 Cr.
• 2nd: 19,000 Cr.
• 3rd: 14,000 Cr.

Fine Gravel Rally.

To begin your rally racing career in Gran Turismo 5, your first challenge is to take on three gravel rally stages. The roads can be very wide with only a few modest corners to contend with. It should be too difficult to win unless you don't have a properly-tuned car.

Snow Challenge Rally.

Your first snow challenge takes place in the Snow Challenge Rally. The three stages shouldn't be too complex in layout as you try to drive around in the snow. There is very much a difference between gravel and snow. Snow has much less traction than gravel. So therefore, you will need to drive the car differently to try to get as much grip as possible as you try to navigate through each stage. You should be fine as long as you drive hard and consistently.

Tarmac Challenge Rally.

The open road is your best friend, or your worst nightmare if you can't handle tarmac roads properly. Rally racing on tarmac doesn't have the aggression you can display like in a gravel or snow rally. These events are more about precise driving on real tarmac roads. Undulations in the road as well as sudden corners and switchbacks may rack your brain as you try to go through each section properly. This shouldn't be too difficult as long as you remain calm and controlled as you progress through each Special Stage.

That concludes the Beginner rally events. Time to step it up and go to the Intermediate rallies. Get up to Level 15 if you haven't done so already.

--- Gran Turismo Rally: Intermediate (Level 15) ---

The Beginner Rallies just got you going. Now, it's time you take on some tougher stages. The Intermediate Rally features the same three kinds of rallies, but instead of three stages, there are now five stages. The stages of the Intermediate rallies are longer and more complex in layout. You can afford to bring more powerful cars (up to 345 horsepower), but your ability to properly navigate each stage and rally remains a daunting task. It may help if you have a proper rally car that is within the horsepower limitations.

REMEMBER: You must be at Level 15 or higher to compete in the Intermediate rallies, and your car must have no more than 345 horsepower to compete. Sports Soft tires (or less) are required for the tarmac rally on this level.

• 1st: 41,000 Cr.
• 2nd: 29,000 Cr.
• 3rd: 21,000 Cr.

Clubman Gravel Rally.

The Clubman Gravel Rally readies you for a ride rougher than what you experienced in the Beginner-level gravel rallies. Five tough gravel stages await you as you try to power through each stage of the Clubman Gravel Rally. Remember that the courses will be tougher than what you experienced in the Beginner-level gravel rallies. So make sure to adjust your driving style as well as make any needed tuning adjustments to get your car to better adapt to the loose gravel. Also, be mindful of any weather changes that may hamper your driving experience somewhat.

Alaskan Rally.

When you begin your romp on the snow, be ready for a five-stage tour of duty as you heat up the ice. Just remember that your car can be no more powerful than 345 horsepower. Be ready to down-tune your car if it is too powerful. And of course, it has to be equipped with Snow Tires. You have to be careful taking on some of these tougher stages.

Tuscany Tarmac Rally.

The five-stage Intermediate Tuscany Tarmac Rally will test your ability to handle tarmac roads in your car. Your car must have Sports Soft tires or less to compete. Be wary of elevation changes as well as any possible weather changes that may come along. It can be a bit tough when dealing with races at night in the Toscana environment. Make sure to tune your car to take on the rigors of this rally.

The Intermediate Rallies are now complete. Make sure to do your best in getting Gold for all three rallies in this difficulty level. The final events are in the Advanced rallies. So make sure to get up to Level 20 to take on the final set of challenges.

--- Gran Turismo Rally: Advanced (Level 20) ---

Only true rally cars are allowed to compete in this final set of rally races. The longest and most difficult stages await the adept Gran Turismo racer in the Advanced class. There are now eight stages of rally insanity compared to the three stages in the Beginner class, and also compared to the five stages of the Intermediate class. Only true rally cars, meaning no normal/concept/tuner cars tuned for rally, can compete. These races will be difficult and long. Victory is not impossible- you just have to work for it in this one! So get ready to log the most difficult rally miles/kilometers of your GT5 career!

REMEMBER: You must be at Level 20 or higher to compete in the Advanced rallies, and it requires any proper rally car. There are no horsepower restrictions.

• 1st: 107,000 Cr.
• 2nd: 75,000 Cr.
• 3rd: 54,000 Cr.

Gran Turismo Gravel Master.

You're in trouble now. Prove your mastery of racing on gravel stages by trying to win this eight-stage rally. Only proper rally cars are allowed to compete in all of the stages here. As you progress through this rally, you will be faced with numerous sharp corners and perhaps some narrow roads. One problem I've had was in trying to get through low-speed corners while in opposite lock. Not sure if that's a problem with GT5's driving model or if I need to tune better. Anyhow, this is a tough rally to take part in. Do your best!

Gran Turismo Snow Master.

Try this eight-stage snow rally with your finest rally car. Long and intense stages await you as you try to take on each individual stage. Remember your training through the first two snow rallies to help you with this one. If you drive very well or have a nicely-prepared rally car, you may be able to dominate this rally.

Gran Turismo Tarmac King.

Rally racing with racing tires can be tricky with tarmac racing. You may anticipate some wet roads, making it tricky to prepare for the challenges ahead. It won't be easy taking on this eight-stage rally. Now here is the tricky part. Some stages may have some wet roads or may start out in wet conditions. Do you opt for the Rain tires? I think to be safe, equip your car with (at most) Sports Soft tires so you won't have to worry too much about trying to equip proper racing tires for stages that aren't soaked in rain. Can you become a champion of tarmac rallying with this rally?

Congratulations! If you have won prizes in all nine rallies, you did great! This series of races is over.

I want you to know that I appreciate all of you for visiting John's Gran Turismo Space! I will continue my series of blog posts on the Special Events of GT5. The next in the series is the Grand Tour. I hope you enjoyed your time here. I may edit this post to reflect more changes. Thank you for reading!

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