Monday 30 November 2015

Gran Turismo 2 License Tests

(UPDATED: September 8, 2014)

The license tests return for Gran Turismo 2. A collection of new cars and new challenges mean that you will need to try and drive harder to begin your quest towards becoming Gran Turismo World Champion. There are five licenses for you to acquire. If you clear the five licenses, a special sixth challenge awaits you- the Super License! First things first, though- you have to get all of your licenses in order. You now have three degrees of International licenses. Unlike in Gran Turismo 1's license tests, you now can do license tests in racing cars. You also have some rally license tests to further test your racing skill. Enter the insane world of GT2's license tests with this resource!


SEP 8 2014 - edited spelling error, certain other edits

--- Gran Turismo 2 License Tests at a Glance ---

GT2 License Menu
^ Gran Turismo 2 features five licenses to acquire, compared to the three in Gran Turismo 1. If you get all five of these licenses a bonus challenge awaits...

In Gran Turismo 1, you had to exit out of Simulation Mode and go to the Replay Theater to get a look at how to do each of the License Tests. Now, you get to view demonstration videos without having to leave Simulation Mode. Just simply go to "Demonstration" to see how to race each course. You may want to follow the videos as closely as possible to deliver the best time in each test. Also a plus for GT2 was that you got a glimpse at the qualifying times for each test. That way, you had an idea as to what time to shoot for to land the best time.

GT2 had lots of firsts for license tests:
• first GT to feature license tests for real-life locations
• first GT to feature license tests for a real-life race track (Laguna Seca)
• first GT to feature license tests featuring race cars and Race Modified cars
• first GT featuring rally tests

A lot of the tests take place on these fantasy courses rather than all of them being on every track in the game (like in GT1). Most of GT2's license tests feel more like they are done at a racing school or racing school facility rather than tests on each track in the game. Gran Turismo 1 had almost every car in the first available color when you were to buy them (usually white). This game, however, has cars in various colors. The new rally tests allow you to take your driving skills to new levels by allowing you to be more aggressive. Racing on rally courses allows you to be more aggressive as you can slide the car out hard into corners. Considering how fast a lot of the faster cars go, you were in for a thrill ride unlike any other!

Gran Turismo 2 is the first Gran Turismo that gives you the opportunity to race events without needing a license. To be in the bigger-paying races, however, you need to acquire licenses. This resource will help you.

--- Gran Turismo 2: B-License ---

Like in the first Gran Turismo, the B-License demonstrates your basic ability to competitively race a car. You will be given mostly underpowered cars and simple handling tests to test your ability. Getting gold in at least one of the ten different tests shouldn't be hard to come by as long as you know how to handle each course given to you.

B-License tests in GT2:
B-1 Start, Acceleration, and Braking 1
B-2 Start, Acceleration, and Braking 2
B-3 Start, Acceleration, and Braking 3
B-4 Circle Track 1: Acceleration Basics
B-5 Circle Track 2: Acceleration Basics
B-6 Basics of Cornering 1
B-7 Basics of Cornering 2
B-8 Basics of Cornering 3
B-9 Basics of Cornering 4: S-Turn
B-10 Basics of Cornering 5: S-Turn

B-1: Start, Acceleration, and Braking 1.

Game Description:
"Start from a still position and stop as quickly as possible within the area past the 1,000 neter finish line. It is best to switch from full acceleration to full braking. Hint: use the distance markers to learn where to start braking."

License Times:
GOLD - 38.650
SILVER - 38.900
BRONZE - 39.800

Launch Speed at: (none)

My Advice: As you would imagine, you are not racing a supercar for your first test. Instead, you are driving a quirky, 67-horsepower Toyota Vitz. Do not think about coming to a stop until somewhere midway between 900 meters to 950 meters. Brake hard and quickly to score the best time.

B-2: Start, Acceleration, and Braking 2.

Game Description:
"Similar to the previous test, but you go faster and will need to start braking sooner. Braking too soon will make you stop before the finish line and braking too late will make you overrun the finish area."

License Times:
GOLD - 29.270
SILVER - 29.550
BRONZE - 30.500

Launch Speed at: 0 mph

My Advice: This Fiat Coupé has 211 horsepower and is your second test car. Think about braking at give or take the 900 meter mark.

B-3: Start, Acceleration, and Braking 3.

Game Description:
"As in the previous test, you will go from full acceleration to full braking. This car accelerates quickly, so you will need to start braking sooner. Hint: use the distance markers to learn where to start braking."

License Times:
GOLD - 26.800
SILVER - 27.300
BRONZE - 28.000

Launch Speed at: 0 mph

My Advice: The R34 Skyline you will be racing has loads of power and four-wheel drive. Considering this, you will rocket down the track at full speed. You now have to think about braking somewhere after 800 meters but before 900 meters to clear this test with passing credit.

B-4: Circle Track 1: Acceleration Basics.

Game Description:
"Make 2 laps around this 30-meter radius circuit. The key is to maintain high speed. To do this, keep steering steadily while minutely adjusting acceleration. Feel the car shift outward as you accelerate more, inward as you accelerate less."

License Times:
GOLD - 23.700
SILVER - 24.200
BRONZE - 27.000

Launch Speed at: 0 mph

My Advice: The Nissan March G# packs 75 horsepower and is front-wheel drive. Therefore, there isn't too much you really have to do to keep this car stable except drive this course properly. Keep the car as far inside as possible while keeping the car at an acceptable, yet consistent speed.

B-5: Circle Track 2: Acceleration Basics.

Game Description:
"Make 2 laps around this 80-meter radius circuit. The key is to maintain high speed. To do this, keep steering steadily while minutely adjusting acceleration. Feel the car shift outward as you accelerate more, inward as you accelerate less."

License Times:
GOLD - 32.500
SILVER - 33.600
BRONZE - 35.300

Launch Speed at: 0 mph

My Advice: Unlike the previous test, you will driving a much more powerful car on a much larger radius track. The same rules still apply. You now just have to adjust to the new car and the new track. Look for a consistent speed to ride around this course with while keeping the car on the absolute inside without going into the inside grass.

B-6: Basics of Cornering 1.

Game Description:
"The left corner comes out after a straight-away. Approach the corner on the outside and steer toward the apex on the inside, then leave the corner fully on the outside. This is called 'out-in-out cornering.' Try to smoothly follow the yellow line."

License Times:
GOLD - 24.650
SILVER - 25.200
BRONZE - 27.000

Launch Speed at: 0 mph

My Advice: From a standing start, you will race your blue Mazda Demio through a stretch of road going to the left. Future GT games have dashed lines with both blue and red lines, but this one is a yellow dashed line. Use it for reference. You don't have to follow the line, but at least get an idea as to where your braking point should be.

B-7: Basics of Cornering 2.

Game Description:
"Start at 31 mph. You must brake slightly to slow a bit for this corner. Approach the corner on the outside and steer toward the apex on the inside, then leave the corner fully on the outside. Try to smoothly follow the yellow line."

License Times:
GOLD - 20.750
SILVER - 21.300
BRONZE - 22.800

Launch Speed at: 31 mph

My Advice: This is the first test to utilize a launch speed, so make sure the gas is engaged prior to starting this test. Your car is more powerful than the Demio from the previous test. You will be racing a Honda Integra Type-R on the same course as the previous test. The same technique applies in trying to clear this course. Just remember that you will need to brake a little earlier since you're at a higher speed and that you are in a more powerful car.

B-8: Basics of Cornering 3.

Game Description:
"This test has the same corner radius as the last test, but it's a right corner instead. You must brake slightly to clear this corner. Try to smoothly follow the yellow out-in-out line."

License Times:
GOLD - 23.310
SILVER - 23.800
BRONZE - 25.500

Launch Speed at: 31 mph

My Advice: If you can clear the previous test, then you should have no problem with this one. You must now try to clear a right-handed corner in the same car as in B-7.

B-9: Basics of Cornering 4: S-Turn.

Game Description:
"For this S-turn test, you will make two consecutive out-in-out corners. Try to smoothly follow the yellow guideline. A little braking when entering the corner is OK. The key is to drive smoothly."

License Times:
GOLD - 23.500
SILVER - 24.200
BRONZE - 26.000

Launch Speed at: 0 mph

My Advice: Your car is a kelly green Mercury Cougar. While not the old-school Cougar from the 1960s, you are racing the quirky front-wheel drive Cougar from 1998. Take advantage of its 172 horsepower engine to make the most of this course. Remember that you need to switch directions midway between the corners. Keep the car stable as you transition from one corner to another.

B-10: Basics of Cornering 5: S-Turn.

Game Description:
"In this S-turn test, you will be going faster than in the last test, so you must brake more solidly before entering the corner. Try to smoothly follow the yellow line through the corner. Smooth driving is the key to improving your time results."

License Times:
GOLD - 20.300
SILVER - 21.100
BRONZE - 22.700

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: You are doing the same test as in the previous one, but at a higher speed. You have to brake sooner and prepare to counteradjust midway through the course. Pay special attention to your speed.

You now have your B-License, but why stop there? There are many more licenses for you to obtain!

--- Gran Turismo 2: A-License ---

The B-License tested your basic abilities. The next step is in making the most of your B-License skills. The majority of tests here involve your ability to corner effectively.

A-License Tests in GT2:
A-1 High Speed Braking
A-2 Cornering and Braking
A-3 Intermediate Cornering 1: FF Car
A-4 Intermediate Cornering 2: FR Car
A-5 Intermediate Cornering 3: FF Car
A-6 Intermediate Cornering 4: FR Car
A-7 Applied Cornering 1: S-Turn
A-8 Applied Cornering 2: S-Turn
A-9 Applied Cornering 3: Sharp Turn
A-10 Applied Cornering 4: Sharp Turn

A-1: High-Speed Braking.

Game Description:
"You will start braking while going much faster than in the B license test. Remember: faster speed means a longer braking distance. Hint: use the distance markers to learn where to start braking."

License Times:
GOLD - 18.000
SILVER - 19.200
BRONZE - 19.700

Launch Speed at: 124 mph

My Advice: This is the final of the tests that utilize Test Course. Your red R33 Skyline will blast down the front straight at tremendous speed. Your goal? Slow her down! You will need to start thinking about braking when going past the 700 meter mark. Brake at some point between 800 and 900 meters to get the best possible score. Here's a BIG hint on knowing when to brake: if racing in Automatic transmission, brake as soon as the Skyline enters fifth gear! The Skyline will reach 148 mph before engaging fifth gear. So the moment the car starts to near 148 mph, brake hard!

A-2: Cornering and Braking.

Game Description:
"Instead of simply braking, you must brake while turning. Note how the car moves outward when you apply the brakes and inward when you release them. Apply and release the brakes gently and quickly to control braking while rounding a curve."

License Times:
GOLD - 21.100
SILVER - 21.500
BRONZE - 22.500

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: A 1000-meter course goes left after the 800 meter mark. It bends further into the 900 and 1000 meter marks. The challenge is to find a suitable point to slide the car out. Think of this as a prelude to rally racing. Since this is like a rally test, you are given a great car from a rallying make- a 1998 Subaru Legacy B4 RSK. This course is not easy to understand. You need to first look for a solid braking point as you're turning. Then before the 900 meter mark, make sure to slide the car out as you're braking. The clock will stop when your car comes to a complete stop in the finish area. You will need to run this course a few times to get the general grasp of this course.

A-3: Intermediate Braking 1: FF Car.

Game Description:
"This is a cornering test using a FF (front wheel drive) car. Follow the line (called a 'record line') that shows the ideal part on the course. Apply solid braking when entering the corner to lower your speed."

License Times:
GOLD - 19.200
SILVER - 20.000
BRONZE - 21.600

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: This course is similar to the course in License Test B-7. You need to properly handle this section using a front-wheel drive car. A front-wheel drive car is not meant for serious driving performance. You have the weight and the driving going to the front wheels, thus not making you able to power through corners effectively. The biggest positive to front-drive cars is that you have to do something really stupid to spin out the car. Your Integra Type-R is the car of choice. Take care of business as best as you can by clearing this corner effectively.

A-4: Intermediate Cornering 2: FR Car.

Game Description:
"This is a cornering test using a FR (rear wheel drive) car. Note how differently the car handles compared to the FF car. The response to fishtailing also differs from FF cars."

License Times:
GOLD - 19.300
SILVER - 19.900
BRONZE - 21.800

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: You will be racing a gray/grey rear-wheel drive car. A front-engined rear-wheel drive car has perfect weight distribution. The front engine's weight coupled with the rear driving the car makes these cars the most complete of cars. There is one problem with rear-wheel drive: the fear of spinning out. Therefore, you can push the performance of a rear-drive car only so far.

A-5: Intermediate Cornering 3: FF Car.

Game Description:
"Practice cornering with L-shaped turns. Even though it's an L-shaped turn, smoothly follow a circular line. Practice accurately tracing a line through the apex - the point at which the car is closest to the inside of the corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 12.600
SILVER - 13.200
BRONZE - 14.700

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: There is no yellow line to help you find the proper line, so you will need to properly judge and trace the proper line to clear this course properly. You must do that with the Integra Type-R. Use the demonstration video to get an idea as to where to brake at. Remember that you are racing a front-wheel drive car for this test, so take this into consideration to clear the course effectively.

A-6: Intermediate Cornering: FR Car.

Game Description:

License Times:
GOLD - 12.500
SILVER - 13.200
BRONZE - 14.900

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Take the 93 mph head start as you blast into the turn. It is the same course as the previous test, but in a rear-wheel drive car. You can afford to race a bit more aggressively heading into this corner with the Toyota Altezza RS200.

A-7: Applied Cornering 1: S-Turn.

Game Description:
"Practice attacking corners in a high-powered 4WD machine. 4WD cars, known for high stability but poor turning performance, have many peculiarities to watch out for, including record line tracing, timing of accelerator use, and fine steering adjustments."

License Times:
GOLD - 24.600
SILVER - 25.200
BRONZE - 27.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: You are racing a course that is very similar to B-9 and B-10. Take advantage of the 3000GT's four-wheel drive to clear this test. A four-wheel drive car is more suited towards rally racing than road racing. While you get the traction of front-wheel drive and the power and drive of rear-wheel drive, a 4WD car is heavy with all the added parts. The 3000GT is certainly not a lightweight, weighing in at about 3700 lbs. This car makes plenty of horsepower and has great acceleration. Take this white 3000GT and give the drive of your life with this machine!

A-8: Applied Cornering 2: S-Turn.

Game Description:
"Practice attacking corners in a high-powered FR machine. With FR cars, the timing of accelerator use greatly affects the car's movement. Use fine steering adjustments to neatly trace the record line. Your exit speed in the last corner is very important."

License Times:
GOLD - 24.000
SILVER - 24.400
BRONZE - 26.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: The 1997 Toyota Supra RZ is your car. Your yellow Supra RZ packs some good horsepower and is a blast to drive. However, the high spoiler can make this car a lot twitchy. So be ready to take on the corners while making sure not to push the Supra's limits too far. This is the same test as A-7, but in a different car.

A-9: Applied Cornering 3: Sharp Turn.

Game Description:
"The cornering test uses a combination of right-angle corners. Smoothly follow the cornering line. Make sure to you cross the apex, and always be sure to give full throttle when exiting the last corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 14.100
SILVER - 15.200
BRONZE - 17.700

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Two 90-degree corners make up a tight chicane. Attack the corners by finding the best line to carve through both corners properly. The 3000GT is your car through this test. Its 4WD should help you to get traction and acceleration here.

A-10: Applied Cornering 4: Sharp Turn.

Game Description:
"The involves a combination of right-angle corners. The key is to stop braking and start using your steering at the turn entry to control the car's position, then give full throttle when exiting the last corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 13.700
SILVER - 14.800
BRONZE - 17.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: The same test as before, but in the Supra RZ. Because of this, you must be aware of the difference in handling dynamics between the 3000GT and this RWD Supra. You can be a bit more aggressive with the Supra than you can with the 3000GT. Just remember-there is a limit to how far you can push the Supra before inducing a spin. Drive this one smart, and you'll do just fine.

You now have your A-License! Now let's try get to get the International licenses!

You must be reading the full blog entry to read into all of what this blog has to offer. Make sure you are reading the full blog entry to see the remainder of this blog post because there is MUCH more to offer here.

--- Gran Turismo 2: International C License ---

The first of the International licenses will demonstrate your ability to take on more complex corners and sections. In addition, your first tests on actual Gran Turismo 2 tracks will be involved starting with the IC license courses. More powerful cars and more intense courses await you here. They will set the tone for what the International license courses will be all about.

IC-License Tests in GT2:
IC-1 Advanced Cornering: J-Turn 1
IC-2 Advanced Cornering: J-Turn 2
IC-3 Multiple Corners 1: Open
IC-4 Multiple Corners 2: Blind
IC-5 Practical Cornering 1: Red Rock Valley
IC-6 Practical Cornering 2: Red Rock Valley
IC-7 Practical Cornering 3: Midfield Raceway
IC-8 Practical Cornering 4: Midfield Raceway
IC-9 Practical Cornering 5: Rome Circuit
IC-10 Practical Cornering 6: Seattle Circuit

IC-1: Advanced Cornering: J-Turn 1.

Game Description:
"This corner appears to be easy as you enter it, but the more you drive into it, the more it bends, so it's a very difficult corner. Steering inward at the start makes the end of the corner difficult, so the apex has to be father out than usual."

License Times:
GOLD - 16.050
SILVER - 16.600
BRONZE - 18.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: You will be facing a decreasing radius corner in this test. Watch as the road ahead decrease in radius as you try to properly drive your Mazda MX-5 Miata 1.8 RS through the corner. Carve a line through the inside while maintaining a decent speed. Also, make sure to get a great exit out of the corner. Miatas are rear-wheel drive cars, so remember how to handle a front/RWD car when navigating this course.

IC-2: Advanced Cornering: J-Turn 2.

Game Description:
"This is a tough corner - easy to enter, but hard to exit. Enter fast, then aim for an inside apex as you turn in and brake slightly. Once you're past the apex, accelerate up to your straight-away speed as you exit."

License Times:
GOLD - 15.450
SILVER - 16.000
BRONZE - 18.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: The beautiful Nissan Silvia Spec-R Aero is your car. You go from a 147 horsepower FR car to a 240-something horsepower sport compact. It is the same left-handed corner as in the previous test. You are just in a more powerful (and actually a better drift-happy) car. Since Silvias are great drifting cars, you can push the Silvia aggressively to attack this corner.

IC-3: Multiple Corners 1: Open.

Game Description:
"This is a U-shaped (double turn) corner. As you enter, steer to steady the car's motion and cleanly pass through the two apexes, then accelerate out of the second turn. To score a good time, you must accelerate hard out of the second turn."

License Times:
GOLD - 20.200
SILVER - 21.600
BRONZE - 23.500

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: One of my personal favorite cars in one of my personal favorite colors for it, a Cayenne Red Metallic 1997 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 is yours to push to the limit. Go over the hill and delve right into the corner. Two sharp lefts await you. You can get a little extra speed as you head into the second corner. Get a strong exit out of the second corner to make the best time.

IC-4: Multiple Corners 2: Blind.

Game Description:
"The course layout is the same as in the previous test, but this is a blind corner that is hard to read. Use your intuition to find your best position and direction in these turns, and try to follow a line that will let you make a full-throttle exit."

License Times:
GOLD - 20.200
SILVER - 21.600
BRONZE - 23.500

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: In IC-3, you get a clear view of the inside of the track. This course has significantly less visibility. Take this course as a test in racing a street course. The very inside of the corners and very outside of the outside curbing are lined up with high guardrails. Because of this, you are unable to attack the corners aggressively. You need to find the proper entry point to make the most of this section. The same car and course from IC-3 is what you are racing in IC-4, only that there are high guardrails to make judging each corner tough.

IC-5: Practical Cornering 1: Red Rock Valley.

Game Description:
"This is a practical cornering test, which uses part of an actual race course. If there are several corners in a row, the key is to accelerate hard out of the last corner. Be careful: the car tends to swerve after the left turn at the first chicane."

License Times:
GOLD - 11.400
SILVER - 12.100
BRONZE - 13.600

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: The practical cornering tests will give you your first glimpse at racing real courses in this game. Your first task is to clear the high-speed chicane at Red Rock Valley Speedway. This course is essentially two ovals intertwined and conjoined by a high-speed chicane. Not much braking is needed here. Just keep the Supra RZ stable while trying not to overshoot any corner or straight.

IC-6: Practical Cornering 2: Red Rock Valley.

Game Description:
"This test uses a longer section than the last test. Go very straight through the first chicane, accelerate hard down the short straight-away, and be sure to enter the last left corner at the correct entry point."

License Times:
GOLD - 22.500
SILVER - 23.300
BRONZE - 24.700

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: You will be using the same car on the same track, but this is a longer test utilizing the chicane as well as part of the shorter oval of Red Rock Valley. There still isn't too much braking you have to do. Just try to hit your marks and attack the apexes while not losing too much speed.

IC-7: Practical Cornering 3: Midfield Raceway.

Game Description:
"This is the hardest section in Midfield Raceway, with a hairpin after a fast chicane. After exiting the chicane, you must start braking while steering to the right. Brake hard enough to avoid entering the outer part of the hairpin."

License Times:
GOLD - 15.100
SILVER - 15.700
BRONZE - 17.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: This is similar to the A-License final in Gran Turismo 3 (if you've played it). You exit the sweeping left out of the first tunnel and must negotiate a downhill chicane that leads to a very sharp left-hander going into the second tunnel. The car you race is the 1999 Toyota Celica SS-II. It is a far cry from the GT-Four it has replaced, but the front-drive Celica is still a peppy and sporty car. You can push this car only so far.

IC-8: Practical Cornering 4: Midfield Raceway.

Game Description:
"When exiting the first chicane, cut toward the right edge to stay along the right side of the course. Uts steering to correct any swerving and brake to enter the hairpin in the correct position, then quickly accelerate out of the turn at the right moment."

License Times:
GOLD - 14.600
SILVER - 15.200
BRONZE - 17.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Polyphony Digital couldn't have given you a better car to take on the same test from IC-7. The S2000 is a great sports car with exceptional handling. Only the NSX is a better performer as far as Honda/Acura performers are. Apply the same skills from the previous test to take on this test. Just remember the S2000 is RWD, so don't push its handling limits too far.

IC-9: Practical Cornering 5: Rome Circuit.

Game Description:
"This is a fast blind section from the Rome city course. Careful! It's easy to misjudge your car's correct position and direction. Timing of the turn-in at the right corner is crucial. Exit at full throttle, especially from the last corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 20.150
SILVER - 20.800
BRONZE - 22.500

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: This is the first test involving a proper street course. You will use the first Intermediate up to just past the Roman Colluseum. A sweeping right followed by a double-apex left-turn complex is followed by a sweeping downhill right. Find the proper line to attack this section to make the best time. Remember that this is a city course. You don't have the luxury of runoff road as you do on a proper permanent course. Do not be intimidated by the walls- just attack the course granted that you don't have as much road to work with. Your Alfa Romeo 156 is more than capable to tame these Italian streets.

IC-10: Practical Cornering 6: Seattle Circuit.

Game Description:
"This is Seattle course's section, full of streets with many ups and downs. It is a complex course, but just drive it as if you were making a smooth circle. Use the road's whole width to raise your average speed - don't let the walls scare you."

License Times:
GOLD - 22.500
SILVER - 23.500
BRONZE - 27.000

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: With all due respect, Seattle is a much tougher challenge than the more Grand Prix-style Rome Circuit. This course is somewhat like the ups and downs of San Francisco. Your car is a 1996 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport. The course you will be racing consists of coming out of the first Intermediate heading into the second Intermediate. The road ahead features a few right corners, then gets quite twisty with various undulations in the road. This one will not be easy. Just race this one fearlessly while finding the best line possible. Easier said than done, though.

Three down, three to go! Let's go get the IB, baby!

--- Gran Turismo 2: International B License ---

The International B License features your first taste of GT2 rallying while also going up with more race car training. These tests demonstrate your ability to handle more extreme racing conditions while also learning how to rally race. Honestly, getting gold in each of the rally tests is fairly easy as long as you race aggressively and fast. Your first license tests using race cars will begin here.

International-B Tests in GT2:
IB-1 Rally Techniques: Smoky Mountain North
IB-2 Rally Techniques: Tahiti Dirt Route 3
IB-3 Oversteer 1: FWD
IB-4 Oversteer 2: RWD
IB-5 Multiple Corners 3
IB-6 Low-Speed Slalom
IB-7 Multiple Corners
IB-8 High-Speed Slalom
IB-9 Practical Cornering 7: Red Rock Valley
IB-10 Practical Cornering 8: Laguna Seca

IB-1 Rally Techniques: Smoky Mountain North.

Game Description:
"While jumping across the tricky jumping spot, head for the tight corner on the left. From the straight section, be sure to enter the corner on the outside and brake quickly to swerve out the rear tires and cut inward through the corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 27.100
SILVER - 29.000
BRONZE - 31.000

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: This is your first license test using a race car. You will be racing the from the Start/Finish line of Smokey Mountain North through the first Intermediate using the 1999 Subaru Impreza Rally car. I love GT2's version of Smokey Mountain before this section became paved in Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec. Try to keep up a decent speed before having to attack the sharp left aggressively. Gold should be easy to come by with smart driving.

IB-2 Rally Techniques: Tahiti Dirt Route 3.

Game Description:
"This is a test of right and left drifting through three consecutive hairpins. After using braking and steering together to drift through a corner, learn the "feint motion" needed to entry the next (opposite direction) corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 19.250
SILVER - 20.800
BRONZE - 23.000

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: This course starts some distance after Intermediate 3 and finishes before the final corner of Tahiti Dirt Route 3. You race with a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V rally car. Aggressive countersteering and attacking the apexes with hard drifts will serve you well here.

IB-3 Oversteer 1: FWD.

Game Description:
"This is a test of skill in driving an oversteering FF car, which fishtails easily. When fishtailing stars as you enter a corner, steer it to correct it while giving full throttle to steady the car. Countersteering (opposite to corner) may be needed."

License Times:
GOLD - 25.500
SILVER - 26.300
BRONZE - 27.500

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: You will be racing a gray Mitsbushi FTO GPX in this test. The course begins with a smooth right corner followed by a smooth left. It is similar to the track you raced on in B-9 and B-10. Use the dashed line as the ideal line around this course.

IB-4 Oversteer 2: RWD.

Game Description:
"This is an oversteering rear-wheel drive car. Unlike FF cars, giving full throttle while fishtailing can cause a spin-out. Instead, accelerate while countersteering to correct fishtailing. Do not abruptly change speed or direction when entering a turn."

License Times:
GOLD - 24.300
SILVER - 25.200
BRONZE - 26.500

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: For the first time in GT2, you will be racing a mid-engine car. The Honda/Acura NSX is a beautiful car with beautiful handling. Because it is a mid-engine car, the weight of the car will mostly be at the rear. The best thing about a mid-engine car is that it has wonderful handling. However, it takes skill to master racing a mid-engined car. Giving too much throttle can send your NSX into a spin. So make sure to drive carefully to correct any fishtailing the NSX may do. Keeping the car stable is of the utmost importance. It isn't very hard to do with this car because it handles so well.

IB-5: Multiple Corners 3.

Game Description:
"Here, a gentle corner comes before a tight one. Start braking while you still feel the lateral G-force of the first turn. The key is to brake from the inside of the first turn toward the outside of the second turn."

License Times:
GOLD - 17.900
SILVER - 18.800
BRONZE - 22.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: This course is a bit similar to IC-3 and IC-4 with the Camaro, only that you're racing with a Mustang. There is some modest banking in the corners. Make good use of the banking to get as aggressive an entry as possible. The first corner is smooth while the second one is pretty sharp. Find the best line to deliver the best time.

IB-6: Low-speed Slalom.

Game Description:
"This is a slalom course (20-meter interval). The right-left steering should produce a lot of lateral motion and some spinning. Learn the rhythm of the steering and accelerating: ease off the accelerator to swerve and accelerate to steady the car."

License Times:
GOLD - 19.700
SILVER - 21.000
BRONZE - 22.900

Launch Speed at: 31 mph

My Advice: The first of two slalom tests, you will be faced with a slalom test using a Peugeot 106 1.6 Rallye. This French hatchback will be taken through a slalom marked off by ten tire walls. The key here is on consistency. The blue and yellow tire walls are left turns while the red and white tire walls are right turns. The key is to find a consistent speed and sustain that while quickly making left and right turns in succession. Don't go too fast to where you have to adjust your speed and your line, but don't go too slow to where you are unable to keep pace with the rest of the course. Find that middle ground to deliver a solid performance.

IB-7: Multiple Corners 4.

Game Description:
"After a 90 right corner, enter a tight left hairpin. The strategy is to avoid being too aggressive entering the 90 turn. Once you've clipped the left hairpin, wait until the car's direction changes before accelerating at full throttle for a fast time."

License Times:
GOLD - 19.750
SILVER - 20.500
BRONZE - 22.600

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: A chicane with two smooth corners come up quickly. While your black R33 Skyline has 4WD and loads of power onboard, your goal is to avoid being too aggressive trying to tackle these two corners. You have to change direction quickly as there isn't much space between the first corner and the second one. A good exit out of the second corner will lead you with enough speed to clear this test with a fast time. But to do this, you need to get a good entry into the first corner while setting up to power out of the second corner.

IB-8: High-speed Slalom.

Game Description:
"This is a fast slalom (long interval). The key is to keep the car steady and keep up your average speed by avoiding too much swerving that occurs when not accelerating. Finely coordinate acceleration and steering, and use acceleration to steady the car."

License Times:
GOLD - 18.650
SILVER - 19.500
BRONZE - 21.700

Launch Speed at: 31 mph

My Advice: You have a beautifully blue Honda S2000 for this test. You have a rear-wheel drive car in a high-speed slalom. The same rules apply for this slalom as in the previous test. However, you can afford to drive a bit more aggressively since you have a car much faster than the Peugeot in the other test. Carving that fast line is a bit tougher with a fast car. Be ready to change directions quickly as you approach the tires in the center. Remember to find that middle ground that gives you the best combination of speed to pass through all ten tire walls.

IB-9: Practical Cornering 7: Red Rock Valley Speedway.

Game Description:
"This is the last section of Red Rock Valley. After the fast chicane, you must wind through a tight hairpin. Find a good line for entering the hairpin through the chicane and find the fight point to go full throttle out of the hairpin."

License Times:
GOLD - 23.800
SILVER - 24.000
BRONZE - 26.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Using the rotary power of your blue 1998 Mazda RX-7 Type RS, you will go through the tunnel at Red Rock Valley as you will be faced with the final chicane that leads to the final two corners leading to the front straight. It is possible to go through the chicane without needing to brake. A good line through the final two corners will set you up for a great finish.

IB-10: Practical Cornering 8: Laguna Seca.

Game Description:
"Here is the famous corkscrew from Laguna Seca. You have to grope your way through since you can't see much ahead. There is an uphill before the braking point and a downhill after, so brake hard enough, and enter the turn from the outside."

License Times:
GOLD - 23.200
SILVER - 24.800
BRONZE - 25.700

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: This is the first-ever license test in Gran Turismo history utilizing a real-world race track. If you are unfamiliar with Laguna Seca (nowadays Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca), you will be faced with the infamous Laguna Seca corkscrew- essentially a downhill chicane. It has many other nicknames, such as the seven-foot drop. An advantage to Laguna Seca in Gran Turismo 2 is that there is a little runoff road you can safely use to attack the corner a bit aggressively halfway down the corkscrew. This course utilizes the backstretch of Laguna Seca followed by the corkscrew and Rainey Curve. You will be racing a silver Dodge Viper GTS with blue stripes. The best advice I can give is that within 50 to 25 meters of the "3" sign, start braking hard. Attack the very inside of the first part of the corkscrew, then go far inside of the second part of the corner. The curve after the corkscrew is somewhat a moderate speed corner. No heavy braking needed here- just maintain a fast and steady line to take care of this sweeping corner.

The International-A License is now within reach!

--- Gran Turismo 2: International A License ---

Always the formidable set of license tests, the International A license tests are the last set of tests to solidify your status as an elite racer. Capable cars and challenging courses await you here. Some of the fastest speeds you've ever experienced in a license test will be experienced here. This is the last series of License Tests. Clear these, and one final set of license challenges await you. Be ready, though, because these tests will not be easy to gold or at least get bronze in.

IA-License in GT2:
IA-1 Circle Track 3: Oversteer
IA-2 Super Fast Corners 1
IA-3 Practical Cornering 9: Apricot Hill
IA-4 Rally Techniques: Smokey Mountain North
IA-5 Hill Climbing Techniques
IA-6 Downhill Techniques
IA-7 Practical Cornering 10: Rome Circuit
IA-8 Practical Cornering 11: Midfield Raceway
IA-9 Practical Cornering 12: Laguna Seca
IA-10 Super Fast Corners 2

IA-1: Circle Track 3: Oversteer.

Game Description:
"This tests your skill in a powerful rear-wheel drive car: if you accelerate while the steering wheel is to the left or right, you oversteer right away and start spinning. Learn how to accelerate just right to avoid spins and learn how to counter-steer."

License Times:
GOLD - 31.900
SILVER - 32.500
BRONZE - 33.700

Launch Speed at: 0 mph

My Advice: Keep a torque-happy monster like your silver with blue stripe Dodge Viper GTS on the track. Reach (but don't exceed) the Viper's handling threshold. Try to race your Viper as far inside as possible without spinning out. This car is a monster, so go easy to avoid making big errors.

IA-2: Super Fast Corners 1.

Game Description:
"This is a set of fast corners. At the first (right) corner, a downhill goes into an uphill, so G-force adds weight to the car and helps steering. The next (left) corner is on a hilltop, so the car is lighter, and steering is weaker. Speed up at the last exit."

License Times:
GOLD - 23.900
SILVER - 25.000
BRONZE - 26.800

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: You will be faced with a track that has multiple undulations and four corners. An orange TVR Griffith 500 is supplied to you for this test. It packs a great deal of horsepower and is about as light as a Mazda Miata. The road dips downward to start as you face a left-right chicane. Take your TVR to the center or far right to set yourself up for the first two corners as you head downhill. As you exit the second corner, the road goes uphill. Then, you face a blind third turn. Go full speed through the sweeping fourth turn to complete the lap. Just hit your marks and deliver a speedy run. Be alert at all times, or you are due for making a serious mistake.

IA-3: Practical Cornering 9: Apricot Hill.

Game Description:
"This is the start of Apricot Hill Speedway, a tough section with two corners in a row. First, at the gentle left turn, turn in and cut inside of the green rock, then slow and aim for the outside of the next turn, a tight left. Ease brakig while turning in."

License Times:
GOLD - 30.000
SILVER - 31.500
BRONZE - 32.600

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: This course utilizes the front straight of Apricot Hill and goes all the way to near where the long sweeping left begins. All of the corners are tough except for the left-hand kink leading to Turn 2. Keep the NSX stable as you attack each corner. Almost every corner after the second corner are tight 90 corners with undulating roads.

IA-4: Smokey Montain North.

Game Description:
"This is the fast dirt section near the end of the Smokey Mountain North course. On dirt, driving translates slowly into a change of direction and you cannot trace well unless you consider the course layout with a quick, even tempo."

License Times:
GOLD - 27.800
SILVER - 29.000
BRONZE - 31.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Remember the IB-1 test? Well, this test picks up where IB-1 left off, but in a different car. Your Ford Escort rally car utilizes the roads between Intermediate 1 and the final corner at Smokey Mountain North. A bevy of jumps, blind corners, and switchbacks await you here. Pay attention to how the road bends and adjust your line to deliver a great time.

IA-5: Hill Climbing Techniques.

Game Description:
"This test is only for top drivers with high-power monster machines ready for the challenging Pikes Peak Hill Climb road. The key is knowing when to speed up (to which the car responds strongly) and when to slow down."

License Times:
GOLD - 27.000
SILVER - 29.000
BRONZE - 31.000

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: You will be racing Pikes Peak in this test with a very powerful car. The Escudo Pikes Peak is a twin-engine car with 981 horsepower total. The combination of these two engines provide forceful acceleration and a serious top speed. To weigh down this beast, a huge rear wing keeps the rear stable. This is going to be the biggest speed thrill you will get up to this point! There is a certain science to racing this course properly. Every rally test in GT2 was easy to me... except this one. Gold is 27.000, but I could only manage a 28.315 as my best time. The road you are racing starts in the forest area and winds its way just before the mountainous portion begins. Make good use of the Escudo's power and performance while also finding a fast line through the turns.

IA-6: Downhill Techniques.

Game Description:
"You're driving an FF rally car downhill on Pikes Peak. The car wants to speed up and is hard to slow down, so start braking early and keep your speed on target. It's an FF car, so if you lose control of speed, you'll start understeering."

License Times:
GOLD - 39.600
SILVER - 41.000
BRONZE - 43.000

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: You are racing a Race Modified Peugeot 306 S16 Rally car using the same course as the previous test, but in reverse. Because you are going DOWNhill, the car wants to go faster and faster as you progress downhill. The key is to control this car's power to make efficient use of its performance. It isn't too difficult to get a Gold here. Just pay attention to the road and your speed.

IA-7: Practical Cornering 10: Rome Circuit.

Game Description:
"This is an urban circuit test using a monster 4WD car. After the first corner on the Rome course, where the road narrows and tracing is tough, there's a fast switchback at the Coliseum. The key to a fast time is to minimize steering and maintain high speed."

License Times:
GOLD - 16.300
SILVER - 17.700
BRONZE - 18.800

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: This is the same test as IC-9 with the same manufacturer, but with the Alfa Romeo 156 Touring Car. It is a 4WD beast with loads of power. Remember what you learned from IC-9 and apply the same sort of racing line with a much more powerful car. Don't go too fast, because you need to calm down this monster after the sweeping right to deliver a smooth time.

IA-8: Practical Cornering 11: Midfield Raceway.

Game Description:
"Here's a time trial, from Midfield Raceway's middle-to-final stage. At the first long turn, control acceleration to prevent understeering. Find the right point to go full throttle. Keep your car inside the line when going from the chicane to the hairpin."

License Times:
GOLD - 22.900
SILVER - 24.000
BRONZE - 25.000

Launch Speed at:

My Advice: Use your white Jaguar XJ220 to take on the same Practical Cornering course you've raced on in previous tests around Midfield Raceway. It packs almost 550 horsepower and boasts a mid-engine RWD drivetrain. The XJ220 used to be the fastest car in the world at one point. Because of this, you will be faced with this car's immense speed. Keep the big cat under control while carving out a great racing line. Remember that because this is a powerful mid-engine car with rear-wheel drive, it will be much easy to spin out if you are not careful.

IA-9: Practical Cornering 12: Laguna Seca.

Game Description:
"Here's a top-driver test: clearing the Laguna Seca corkscrew in a pure race-car. The car has a lot of downforce when going fast, but loses it when slowing down. Manuvering gets more severe at slower speeds, so be careful when braking into a corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 19.900
SILVER - 21.000
BRONZE - 22.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Last time at Laguna Seca, you were given a Dodge Viper GTS to take on both the Corkscrew and Rainey Curve. Now, you are given the same course, but with a very fast race car. The most important thing to remember is that this is a pure race car with a midship engine and rear-wheel drive. Take advantage of this car's immense handling performance to draw a line to accurately tame this course. Take what you learned from IB-10 to apply to a much faster car.

IA-10: Super Fast Corners 2.

Game Description:
"Here, you are driving a pure race-car full of downforce as you manuver a fast switchback. At the first right turn, where you gain downforce, understeer hard to get on the outside. Do the same at the next left turn. Accleration timing is the key."

License Times:
GOLD - 17.750
SILVER - 18.700
BRONZE - 20.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: The same course from IA-2 returns for the IA finale. Your car is the Toyota GT-One. This race car is very fast and delivers serious speed. It is not seriously hard to drive or control. Just make sure to keep this car on all four tires while also powering through the two sets of corners. This is where you begin to appreciate the Toyota GT-One and its amazing speed.

The International-A License is now yours! Want to DOMINATE? Go try the Super License!

--- Gran Turismo 2: Super License ---

Consider the Super License as the cherry on top for your licenses. Getting your Super License is like getting your Master's Degree. All ten of the Super License tests are time trials. In other words, you must clear one lap of each course using all the skills you have learned in the previous five licenses. The only way to win your Super License is to show mastery of skill on ten different tracks given ten different cars. Some courses are courses you haven't fully raced yet. Therefore, you will have a chance to learn each of these courses in preparation for your grand debut as a racer in Gran Turismo 2. So go get your Super License and show that you are ready for Prime Time!

Super License in GT2:
S-1 Tahiti Road
S-2 Seattle Circuit Full Course
S-3 Smokey Mountain North Course
S-4 Midfield Raceway
S-5 Grindelwald
S-6 Rome Circuit Full Course
S-7 Laguna Seca Raceway
S-8 Tahiti Maze
S-9 Rome-Night
S-10 Apricot Hill Speedway

S-1: Tahiti Road.

Game Description:
"This is a one-lap time trial on the Tahiti Road course, which has several gentle corners. Although this course has no hard corners, you must be careful not to cut into corners too suddenly. Control speed by going to full-throttle early on."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:08.900
SILVER - 1:12.000
BRONZE - 1:17.000

Launch Speed at: 124 mph

My Advice: You will be racing a classic Race Modified Mini Cooper around Tahiti Road. Tahiti Road is a very simple course with only one or two real hard braking areas. You can go off into the grassy areas without incurring a penalty for going out of bounds. You can only go so fast with this car since it has front-wheel drive. You will not get to fully attack the corners as you would in a powerful RWD car. Take this into consideration as you power through each corner. The road has various undulations and smooth corners. Proper car control is a must. The toughest corner on the track is the corner that leads to Intermediate 3.

S-2: Seattle Circuit Full Course.

Game Description:
"This is a one-lap time trial on the Seattle city course, which is full of tricky blind corners, steep ups and downs, and changing road surfaces. Try to trace a smooth set of curves between the walls of the course, but don't let those walls distract you!"

License Times:
GOLD - 1.31.100
SILVER - 134.000
BRONZE - 1:40.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: With your Ford GT40, you will take on the San Francisco-esque Seattle course. This track has many tough corners and undulations. Fortunately, your mid-engined 1960s exotic can take it! The first two corners will give you fits if you take them the wrong way. Let off the throttle a bit heading into the next corner. Go uphill and either attack the next corner or graze some curbing. Three jumps await you next. After the first two jumps, think about where to brake hard between the second jump and the third jump. If you mis-time your entry into the following corner, your car will be in the tire wall. Next is the series of corners you faced in IC-10. Remember to drive fearlessly, yet smart. Go uphill to attack a fast right-hand kink. Your next issue is a very tight series of 90 corners. In succession, they go right, right, left, straight, left, and right. Find a smooth line to help you to get through this section effectively. The road after Intermediate 3 leads under some freeways. The first corner after Intermediate 3 isn't too much a problem, but the left-right chicane leading to the Start/Finish line can kill your time if you take it improperly. A proper entry into this section will go a long way to clearing this track.

S-3: Smokey Mountain North Course.

Game Description:
"This is Smokey Mountain North, a dirt course famous for its jumping spots and fast corners. Slight, nimble steering will keep your car under control over the series of jumping spots on the straightaway. Avoid sharp manuvering."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:12.200
SILVER - 1:24.000
BRONZE - 1:30.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Prepare to take on the high-speed thrill ride known as Smokey Mountain North Course. As fast as Smokey Mountain North can be, you have the 1999 Impreza Rally Car to take on the rigorous course. Try not to get too far out of control when taking on the bumpy front stretch. Taking one jump the wrong way can ruin your entire lap, so use caution. Start braking hard before you cross Intermediate 1. Slide hard into the following corner. A smooth set of corners follow after a brief straight. Many more jumps and undulations follow after Intermediate 2. Keep the car stable with the undulations and switchbacks. You should be able to get a Gold fairly easily as long as you drive aggressively and smart.

S-4: Midfield Raceway.

Game Description:
"This one-lap time trial is on Midfield Raceway, a permanent race circuit. The first pair of corners, where the right line is hard to see, is crucial. Come out fast - a full-speed section is next."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:03.400
SILVER - 1:06.000
BRONZE - 1:10.00

Launch Speed at: 124 mph

My Advice: Saying this is a 1999 game, you will be racing the car of the 1999 (then) JGTC GT 500 champions, the Pennzoil Nismo GT-R. The GT-R race car here is actually rear-wheel drive. But in GT2, it's a 4WD JGTC car, and only two-wheel drive cars are allowed. Anyhow, this is still a very fast car. Take the first corner properly, or the rest of the lap will be meaningless. A high-speed right-left chicane follows afterwards. A fairly fast corner leading to the first tunnel follows after that. Get a good exit out of the tunnel to prepare for a very long sweeping left. What follows next is a fast downhill chicane and the track's sharpest corner. Through the second tunnel, the last challenge that awaits is a left-right chicane that goes uphill. Power down to the finish line. This is a real rhythm-based race track. Learn the rhythm to land a stellar time.

S-5 Grindelwald.

Game Description:
"In this one-lap time tral on the custom-built urban course at the Alpine resort of Grindelwald, there are no sharp corners but you must accelerate correctly to clear the chicanes in the lateral switchback section and just before the main straightaway."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:28.000
SILVER - 1:31.000
BRONZE - 1:38.000

Launch Speed at: 62 mph

My Advice: The sound of your Race Modified Lotus Europa will reverberate around the Swiss Alps. This is a different kind of city course- one that doesn't have high walls to make everything blind. Unlike most city courses, however, the roads are not walled nightmares on narrow roads. This is almost essentially a proper race track if you take away all the houses and buildings. It also has some grassy areas. And of course, leaving the course will automatically disqualify you. This is even more a rhythm-based race track. Carve out the best line to make the best time. Various smooth corners and switchbacks await you here as your mid-engined, Race Modified Lotus Europa takes on these roads. The most decisive corners to clear begin after you clear the second Intermediate. Three tough corners await you starting with the super-slow hairpin. The road ahead dips downward and has a bit higher walls. This track is not easy.

S-6 Rome Circuit Full Course.

Game Description:
"This is a one-lap time trial on the Rome urban circuit where many sharp blind turns make it hard to see ahead. Make a fast start, watch out for those sharp turns, and make a smooth line at full throttle through the fast section to pull ahead."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:29.000
SILVER - 1:32.500
BRONZE - 1:36.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: With a Race Modified Peugeot 406 Sedan, the streets of Rome serve as your sixth Super License challenge. Be careful not to go too deep into Turn 1, because you could easily fail for being out of bounds. Take it fast and with careful cornering. You shouldn't have to brake at all here. Head up to the sweeping right and around the Roman Colluseum. Take this double-apex section cleanly to set yourself up for the very sharp right corner that follows. Another equally-sharp right follows after that. One more sharp turn awaits you before the high-speed section comes along. This time, the sharp turn is a left. Go smoothly though the carousel right and get a good entry onto the backstretch. The road ahead is a left-hand kink followed by two 90-degree right-hand corners. After the second 90-degree corner, go full speed down the stretch to complete your tour of Rome.

S-7: Laguna Seca Raceway.

Game Description:
"You're at America's famous Laguna Seca circuit. The key here is early braking. Late braking at any corner results in understeering. Enter the corkscrew from the outside and go smoothly inward. Brake when you see the last left corner."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:13.400
SILVER - 1:16.000
BRONZE - 1:23.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: You're in trouble now! Get ready to take on Laguna Seca in a GT racing car. You will be racing the 1998/1999 Team Oreca Dodge Viper GTS-R. Because of this, you will be taking on a pure racing track in a pure race car. Go at full speed and work your way down to the Andretti Hairpin. Start braking when you notice the grass patch coming closer and closer to the road. The Andretti Hairpin is a double-apex corner that increases in radius as you exit. The road gradually turns right and is followed by a moderately-sharp right. Go under the Firestone bridge and just let off the throttle into the next corner. Next, a moderate-to-heavy braking zone follows as a left-hander comes into view. The next corner is a blind right that is tricky to judge. How you take it depends on your line heading into the backstretch. Once again- the Corkscrew comes calling. Brake somewhere between 50 to 25 meters of the "3" sign on the right. Attack the inside curbing and smoothly work your way though the middle and late part of the corkscrew. Light or no braking is needed for Rainey Curve. Just make sure not to go off-course trying to safely exit Rainey Curve. A somewhat smooth right follows, but you absolutely MUST get the super-sharp left hander right. It's the final corner that can make the most difference in how your lap finishes. Begin braking hard between the "3" and "2" signs on the right. Upon exit, power down the front straight to complete your lap. Try to keep the car stable the whole way because it will punish those who are not alert behind the wheel.

S-8: Tahiti Maze.

Game Description:
"This is a one-lap time trial at the Tahiti dirt courses' toughest challenge- the Tahiti Maze. For a fast time, make compact turns through the series of tight hairpins. Accelerate long and hard once you start to drift after foot-braking or side-braking."

License Times:
GOLD - 2:04.000
SILVER - 2:08.000
BRONZE - 2:20.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: Get ready to race a track you haven't been on at all during the License Tests. Your car is the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally car, and it is a great performer. The Tahiti Maze is a formidable challenge with its many hairpins. It will test your concentration and your rhythm-based driving skills. Try to attack the very insides of the barricade-lined course as you can. Cut deep, but not too deep. Stay steady behind the wheel. This track is not easy, but Gold shouldn't be too hard to win here. The key to winning is in your ability to handle each of the hairpin sections. Drive hard and smart to win!

S-9: Rome-Night.

Game Description:
"Here is a tough course through the city lights of Rome at night. It's hard to use the road's full width, due to the blind corners and night-time darkness. You've got to learn the corners one at a time."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:28.500
SILVER - 1:32.000
BRONZE - 1:38.000

Launch Speed at: 93 mph

My Advice: You will use the Alfa Romeo 155 Touring Car, but you will also be racing the most underutilized track not only in GT2, but in any Gran Turismo game- Rome-Night. Rome-Night is underutilized and somehow sacred- you do not race this track at all unless in Arcade Mode, in a generated race, or in a generated championship. Therefore, this course tests your ability to learn a brand-new track. This is also surprisingly the only night course you will be racing in the Super License tests. You have to learn this course corner-by-corner. The first corner is a sweeping right. You can go deep inside and even use up some curbing. The next two corners are fairly smooth lefts followed by three fairly smooth rights. A long straight follows and leads to a chicane. Once you start going downhill after the straight, start braking hard as you approach the first sign telling you to go right. Cut into the left corner by grazing the curb. Consider braking again at the next turn complex when you approach the last sign telling you to go right. Another series of modest rights follows afterwards. Go uphill, then start braking to attack the next left. The road dips downhill and is met by a smooth right. Once you go over the ensuing hill, the remaining corners are all sharp. it begins with a very sharp left with a bit of banking in the corner. A more open sharp left follows after a straight. The final section is double-apex right hairpin. Do not start braking until you approach the second half of the hairpin. Strong acceleration after the hairpin leads to a solid lap time.

S-10: Apricot Hill Speedway.

Game Description:
"On Apricot Hill Speedway circuit designed for the pros, a tough combo starts with a gentle first corner, where you cut in and head for the outside on the tight left turn ahead, going straight while braking to enter. Go full speed ahead after the last chicane."

License Times:
GOLD - 1:08.900
SILVER - 1:12.000
BRONZE - 1:17.000

Launch Speed at: 124 mph

My Advice: The only thing separating you from getting your Super License is one lap around Apricot Hill. Laps fly by fast in the fastest cars here, but you still have to earn your way with this track and this car. You will be racing the 1999 Toyota GT-One around this track. This car was more than capable at the 1999 24 Hours of Le Mans, serving as runners-up to the BMW V12 LMR. A smooth left kink is followed by a tough left-hand sharp turn. A good line gives you a solid exit to set you up for a series of tough corners. Undulations in the road will impact your ability to take each corner properly. The road dips after the first sharp turn, then dips a bit more heading into a sharp right. A sharp left is downhill with some banking. Up next is a rise uphill with a sharp right. After the crest is a speedy left kink. A very long, sweeping left follows afterwards. A full speed blast follows as you cross the Dunlop bridge. Hard braking is needed to take the upcoming right hairpin. A smooth left-right complex is followed by a sharp left. Handling this left sets you up for a very slow sharp chicane. Brake hard and immediately attack the very inside of both corners. Upon exit, make sure not to fly off the road and out of bounds. After a smooth left, go full speed to clear your lap. And if you're fast enough and have completed the other tasks, enjoy your Super License! :)

You now have all the licenses and have cleared all sixty license tests. You can always return to the License Test area to refine your times and your skills. Try to go for all-Gold if you can. You win new cars for going all-Gold in any of the licenses. Or, just do what I do- just get your licenses and go race!

Thank you for reading!

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Little-Known/Forgotten Racing Games

(UPDATED: March 30, 2014)

Many racing games have been created. While so many of them were recognized in some sort of manner, a lot of them are either little-known or forgotten in today's culture. My post from "John's Blog Space" has now edited and made for "John's Race Space." To some of you, some of the games I will mention here will be brand-new to you. Some of them will be titles you may have forgotten about. Welcome to another blog post of mine! Before I begin, let me make one note:

WARNING- this blog entry is VERY long!

This blog post is the first non-Gran Turismo or non-Tourist Trophy topic since renaming this blog from "John's Gran Turismo Space" to "John's Race Space." This edited version of my post on "John's Blog Space" from February 25, 2010 features many more games as part of the package. Some of these games may be featured in individual posts in this blog. Now let's begin!


MAR 30 2014 - added more games (hint: 1992 and 1994, both from SEGA)

--- Origins of This List ---

When I joined YouTube, one of my reasons was to discuss little-known racing games. Well now that YouTube's new channel layout really disallows you to actually see all the videos, I'm going to discuss as many old and forgotten games here. What you will see are MANY racing/driving games from video game history that are either little-known or forgotten. You may be introduced to games you may have never heard of before. Some games are probably forgotten for good reason- they weren't all that good. Please note that this lineup of games is not only about forgotten gems in racing game history. Instead, it's a look at various little-known or forgotten racing titles. This can include very good games... and very bad games. So keep reading because you're going to get schooled proper on little-known or forgotten racing games.

This project of mine on YouTube all began with one game- Le Mans 24 by Sega. Being a fan of Sega Super GT/SCUD Race, "Le Mans 24" was almost completely forgotten. This was the origin of my list of little-known or forgotten racing games. The game looks beautiful as well as having that lovely 24-hour racing model. "Le Mans 24" is both little-known and forgotten to many racing game fans. And please note, I am not talking about "Le Mans 24 Hours" (which is a racing classic), but rather the arcade game, "Le Mans 24."

As I started looking up many games online, there are many that are either little-known, forgotten, or both. The list below consists of games that are little-known and/or forgotten and WHY they are so. You have the Internet at your disposal, so if you see a game mentioned here, you're free to look up on (your favorite search engine) and even YouTube. I mentioned so many games that I'll leave it up to you to see what games I make mention to.

--- REALLY Little-Known or Forgotten Racing Games ---

My entire playlist can be found here: Little-Known or Forgotten Racing/Driving Games. These are the majority of little-known and/or forgotten racing games since I joined YouTube and started taking count of racing game titles. I'll be fairly brief in all of the games I've selected. But do remember... there are MANY MORE little-known or forgotten racing games. So I'll leave it up to you to find as many old racing games as possible. I'll only explain why they are forgotten as well as what they are about. Pictures, videos, and things of that nature... that's for you to do.

And remember... THIS ENTRY IS VERY LONG!!! This blog post may even be updated regularly to reflect more games. None of these games are listed in any particular order.

Are you a dedicated blog reader? Reason why I ask is... THIS BLOG ENTRY IS VERY LONG! So here are three options you have as you're reading this blog entry:

1.) Visit my playlist here: Little-Known or Forgotten Racing/Driving Games,

2.) Check out all of the videos in this embedded YouTube playlist below,
(embeddable player)


3.) Read below to see all 80+ games I have to mention and discuss!

The choice is yours, player! :D

Let me begin with a few titles that seriously define "little-known or forgotten" for me.

Ultim@te Race Pro Series.

This is perhaps the most little-known AND forgotten PC racing game. Nobody knows anything about this racing game unless you've actually played it and this series before. I couldn't find a working demo of this game online. But basically, think of it as an extreme version of Daytona USA. Great graphics and lovely gameplay. It was one of the first few games to really capitalize on the lovely graphics the 3DFX graphics cards could muster.

Racin' Force (1994).

This racing game uses voxels (think 3D pixels) for the playing field. You race these GTP race cars similar to an old game- WEC Le Mans 24 released in the '80s. Four tracks were included in this game.

Le Mans 24 (1998).

A completely little-known arcade racing game from Sega. You can run the 24 Hours of Le Mans in this game. Passing cars earns you extra time while being passed takes away time. There was also a fictional street course in addition to the two Circuit de la Sarthe races. If the 24 Hours of Le Mans event is activated, someone could insert credits and play during the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It is too bad this game never made it to the United States.

Slipstream (1995).

This game is only known if you seen these arcade units in the Federative Republic of Brazil, because this was the only country this game was marketed in. Capcom and racing games are rare. Slipstream was a Formula 1 racing game that actually featured four F1 venues (though no actual names). It also features four great F1 cars from its time. Each of the four cars have an extra variant of them with different levels of performance. This game came out even well before "Auto Modellista" or any of the Capcom-developed MotoGP games. Part of the selling point of Slipstream was that it used SEGA System 16 technology.

These are some of the more notorious titles that are little-known or forgotten. I am VERY far from done here. Go to the next section for MANY more little-known or forgotten racing games.

--- Little-Known or Forgotten Racing Game Series ---

Here are now MANY more games that are either little-known and/or forgotten. These games may or may not be listed in any particular order. I did not put much thought into finding a particular order for these games. So basically, make like Forrest Gump and just remember- this post is like a box of chocolates. You'll never know what you'll find here. I MAY surprise you with a few games mentioned here! Here are some games now:

Race Drivin' and Hard Drivin'.

These games are really forgotten as one of the first simulation racing games. They tried to give a simulation feel to stunt racing. Don't worry about wrecking your car- you'll be doing this VERY often! It's even tougher in manual transmission cars. How so? Everything you have to do to start the car and get off cleanly is what you'll have to do even after you crash your car and respawn!

Ace Driver Series.

This is a futuristic Indy car racing game series from Namco. It featured some very nice music and lovely graphics. The first title was "Ace Driver: Racing Evolution." The second title is the more futuristic "Ace Driver: Victory Lap."

NASCAR Racing Series.

Sierra/Papyrus was the creator of the various "NASCAR Racing" titles. The franchise began in 1994 with "NASCAR Racing." It was nothing to look at visually. Over time, future titles would help push this series further. NASCAR Racing 2 would start things off in 1998 followed by "NASCAR Racing: 1999 Edition." "NASCAR Racing 3" was created in 1999, allowing for more modifications, such as speed tape. "NASCAR Legends" took you back to the 1970 NASCAR Grand National series. It used the NASCAR Racing 3 engine. In 2001, "NASCAR Racing 4" was created, and cars weren't rooted to the ground among other things. The series' most popular and highest-rated titles today are "NASCAR Racing: 2002 Edition" and "NASCAR Racing: 2003 Edition."

Indy Car Racing series.

What happens when NASCAR rules the roost? Other series get relegated and left for dead. That was probably the untimely fate of both 1993's Indy Car Racing and 1995's Indy Car Racing 2. While the NASCAR Racing series got a beautiful upgrade with NASCAR Racing 2 and NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition, ICR2 was left to die, basically. There would be a future downloadable program that allowed you to convert ICR2 tracks to be used in NASCAR Racing 2. The first Indy Car Racing had the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. People often try to convert Indy from ICR to race in the NASCAR games.

F-1 Grand Prix Series.

While Video System may best be known for the Sonic Wings (Aero Fighters) series, they've also made classic game series like F-1 Grand Prix. Three titles were released for [and only] the Super Famicom. There was an F-1 World Grand Prix II, but it was NEVER released to the United States, sadly. I think the only thing missing from F-1 World Grand Prix II is the Jerez Circuit round.

HUMAN Grand Prix Series.

Japanese developer, HUMAN, made their own series of F1 racing games. I think the first two titles were released to the United States known as "F1 Pole Position" through Ubisoft. Then in the mid-late 1990s, a game from this series was called "F1 Pole Position 64" for the United States for the Nintendo 64.

Lotus Series.

Gremlin Interactive created this series devoted to the Lotus Elan and the Lotus Esprit. These three games would find their way onto the Genesis/Megadrive and on Amiga PCs. The first title was "Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge" in 1990. It only featured the Lotus Esprit. "Lotus Turbo Challenge 2" in 1991 featured both the Lotus Esprit and the Lotus Elan SE. The 1992 game "Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge" was the biggest of the three in this trilogy. You could generate your own tracks in "Lotus Turbo Challenge 2" and "Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge."

Xtreme Series.

Unlike a lot of other racing games, this series does NOT involve motorized racing. This racing game series features you racing using skateboards, roller skates, luge boards, and bicycles. 2 Xtreme debuted snowboarding. Each race allowed you to attack other racers with punches to throw off their rhythm. Go through various gates to pick up money bonuses and other things. There were three games in the series. "ESPN Extreme Games" was released in 1995, "2Xtreme" was released in 1997, and "3Xtreme" was released in 1999. All three titles were for the PlayStation 1. Only "3Xtreme" was in full 3D.

Moto Racer Series.

There were three games in the Moto Racer series. This game is an arcade-type racing game featuring motorcycles. The action included both superbikes and dirt bikes. The first title was released in 1997 for PC only. The first Moto Racer featured eight tracks- four featured superbikes, and the other four are for dirt bikes. It was in 1999 when Moto Racer 2 was released for PC and the PlayStation 1. You could design your own courses for Moto Racer 2 in addition to the tracks already provided in the game. Moto Racer 3 was the only game in the series to feature actual content. You could race on the streets of Paris with traffic on the road. You can race on some real world courses like Eastern Creek.

TT Superbikes Series.

You may see this game and this series on bargain racks, but I got to tell you- the sense of speed and control seems amazing. While I've never played any of these titles, some say that this is an enjoyable game series as long as you have the patience to understand how the game plays and how to operate these motorcycles. This is all about real road racing- road racing on country roads and city streets in the United Kingdom. All in its dangerous glory.

Racing Jam Series.

Konami's Racing Jam series debuted in 1998. This game featured touge-style action with some crazy racing action and actually-licensed cars. "Racing Jam: Chapter 2" was created in 1999 with insane crashes.

Thrill Drive Series.

If any game offers up the thrill of street racing with its dangerous consequences, the Thrill Drive series from Konami surely offers that. The series was created back in 1998. You choose a car and battle against three other cars. Rather than just your standard sports cars, gamers could also race vehicles such as commercial vehicles and even buses. There are even police cars that are on the same roads and highways you are on. If this game stresses anything, it totally highlights on how scary and dangerous street racing is. A lot of the impacts showcased in the Thrill Drive series are incredibly scary. I might even go as far as to say that this game series demonstrates just how dangerous street racing can be. You are still racing illegally without a care towards the safety of others. However, the game series doesn't capitalize on and glorify this dangerous behavior. That alone is something to praise this game for while the "Burnout" games and the "Carmegeddon" games glorify these aspects extensively.

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune Series.

The games in the Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune (or WMMT) are all based on the Wangan Midnight comic books.

Monster Truck Madness Series.

(ADDED: December 7, 2013)
Providing their own spin on monster truck racing, the Monster Truck Madness series features a handful of monster trucks engaging in some monster truck racing. The second Monster Truck Madness game featured sponsorship from World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and the WCW's New World Order (nWo). A number of actual monster trucks are featured in this game and this series.

Midtown Madness Series.

(ADDED: December 7, 2013)
Three games by Microsoft allow you to explore some cities and have your own driving thrills. In Midtown Madness 1, you had plenty of insanity on the streets of Chicago. Midtown Madness 2 let you burn rubber in San Francisco and London. Midtown Madness 3 was exclusive to the XBOX, and you could race either in Paris or Washington, D.C.

If I find more that I want to showcase, I'll edit this post as many times as need be.

--- Little-Known or Forgotten Racing Games ---

Now for some individual titles. After much deliberation, I have decided to sort each game by the year the game(s) was/were released. This will offer somewhat of better sorting of individual racing games:

Moto Champ (1973).

Of all the games you will see here, this is the ONLY game that is not an electronic game. Instead, it is an electromagnetical game from Sega.

Night Driver (1976 - Arcade, 1978 - Atari 2600).

My brother played this game more than 20 years ago (because I was just a child or a baby when this game was played at my cousin's house... and, I have a strange memory). This game is quite hard to say the least. Night Driver was made for the Atari 2600.

Laser Grand Prix (1983).

Taito's "Laser Grand Prix" got gamers to get engaged in realistic racing. Take on the different challenge of this laserdisc game ranging from drag racing to circuit racing.

GP World (1984).

This is a laserdisc game from Sega (as well as Bally Midway) that allowed you to race three different tracks. If you find any videos of this game and notice that the video footage is very thin-looking, that's because this game had a double screen format. You control a car that has individual sprites on the screen. You view the track from a helicopter chase view. Your job is to try to pass as many cars as possible and try to finish the race.

Enduro Racer (1986).

Essentially lost in the glamour of its Hang-On siblings, Enduro Racer is a motorcycle racing game from SEGA where you must contend with a vast number of off-road conditions. You are on a dirt bike racing against other dirt bikes and some Dakar-style trucks. Avoid the trees and other obstacles on the outside, and make sure to avoid the various rocks and other hazards on the road. Can you clear all five stages?

WEC Le Mans (1986).

Especially the Arcade version gives you an amazing performance of high-speed racing. You are racing a prototype race car similar to the Porsche 962C. The racing happens on a nice interpretation of the Circuit de la Sarthe. There are some time cycles to content with and experience as day becomes night, and night becomes day. Last all 24 [simulated] hours to win the game!

Buggy Boy (1986).

This is a fun-looking game from the same makers of TX-1, Tatsumi. Go through the gates slalom-style for points while avoiding huge rocks on the road.

Top Speed (1987).

Taito released this game which has pretty cool graphics. It's just you, your high-speed sports car, and the highway. This game allows you to go crazy fast down the road. Everything seems a blur as you fly down the road. You win the game if you clear non-stop five stages of racing.

Winning Run (1988).

In 1988, NAMCO released a completely 3D racing game called Winning Run. It features Formula 1-type racing cars on just one track. The 3D graphics are impressive for a game of its time. The game runs very smoothly as well for a game of its time. The wheels actually turn left and right. Considering Virtua Racing would blow peoples' minds in 1992 by SEGA, "Winning Run" is truly forgotten or little-known. Cross the finish line to receive more time to complete the race. This is very much a little-known title considering NAMCO made one of the greatest racing game series of all time- the Pole Position series. This was really evolutionary. Funny enough, this game even uses actual licensing of the Formula 1 World Championship.

Grand Prix Circuit (Commodore 64, 1988).

This title for the Commodore 64 was made by Distinctive Software Inc., which you've seen make Stunts and The CYCLES. The game was made in 1988. You race on one of four real-world racing tracks and able to race as and against multiple F1 teams.

Power Drift (Arcade, 1988).

This game was an exciting and comical showcase of sprite scaling. Everything looks and runs amazing in this game, especially the Arcade version. There are a total of 25 tracks spread across five different routes. The cars all sort of resemble Caterhams. You have no control over what character, and it doesn't really matter which character you have. You must finish 3rd or better to advance. Otherwise, you will have to try again. Clear each route, and you may even get to run a bonus race after clearing the original set of races. Great-sounding music compliments the game as well.

Turbo OutRun (1989).

A spiritual sequel to the classic OutRun titles, Turbo OutRun takes you on an American tour from New York City to Los Angeles. Your job is to go from New York City to Los Angeles while racing crazy fast in your Ferrari F40 (or at least, it resembles the F40). That F40 has something fearful- insane turbos. Use it to help you blast down the road while traffic is a thing of the past!

The Cycles (1989).

PC-racing game that allows you to race motorcycles around a variety of real-world courses. Made by Distinctive Software Inc., the same people behind the 1990 PC racing classic, Stunts (or 4D Sports Driving).

Racing Hero (1989).

The game is like a combination of the Hang-On Series and the OutRun series. Impressive graphics for its time.

Continental Circus (1989).

Apparently, the story behind the name of this game was that it was to be called "Continental CIRCUITS." Instead, it was called "Continental Circus," and usually is in conjunction with "F1 Circus." Regardless, this is Formula 1 carnage like never before from Taito!

Bari Bari Densetsu (1989).

Get ready for racing action on two wheels. There's a real storyline feel to this title with lots of unique animations and artwork. It was made by Taito in 1989.

Four Trax (1989).

The vehicle of choice for Four Trax is an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). You'll be racing on some off-road courses on your ATV in this NAMCO racing game.

Super Monaco GP (Arcade Version, 1990).

While you don't race the real F1 Grand Prix of Monaco course, you do race a ficticious track resembling Monaco. Graphics are absolutely amazing. You think it's 3D, but it really isn't. A testament to Sega's lovely use of sprite scaling.

Driver's Eyes (1990).

The sequel to "Winning Run" was the 1990 title "Driver's Eyes." Not much is known about this title except that its 3D graphics are just as lovely (even for a game of its time) as they were in "Winning Run." Not much else is known about this game unless you've actually played this game at an actual arcade.

Cisco Heat (1990).

This is a strange concept. On the streets of San Francisco, brace yourself for one of the fastest races using... police cars? Yes. The 2D graphics look very interesting as your racing your cop car around the streets of San Francisco. You're not trying to arrest anybody- all you're doing is racing the streets of San Francisco in your capable police car against other capable police cars. You know it's sad when police cars care more about racing against fellow cops rather than keeping the streets safe. Sad. Oh, well... it's just a racing game. It isn't like your tax dollars are going towards the police getting high-performance cars and driving like fools.

GP Rider (1990).

GP Rider is similar to the two F1 games I mentioned, and this Sega arcade racing game has you racing on only one track while trying to finish four laps around the course. This is a motorcycle racing game. Complete four laps of the course to win. Place as high as possible to score the most points.

Gale Racer/Rad Mobile (1990).

This early 1990s 2D racer had incredible graphics. It was also one of the first games to request you to turn on headlights, windshield wipers, and more. Amazing sprite scaling in this game. There were lots of graphical and environmental touches to this game that almost no other racing game had. Plus, it was Sonic's debut before he even got his own game. The goal of Rad Mobile was to compete in a cross-country race going from Los Angeles to New York City. You engage in 20 stages of action. If you fail to complete a stage, you must insert credits to re-run the stage you failed to clear. This game would be available for the SEGA Saturn a few years later.

F1 Exhaust Note (1991) and F1 Super Lap (1993).

The only difference between these two arcade games from Sega is that F1 Super Lap actually features real F1 teams. I think for both games, you are racing on only one track in a four-lap race. The graphics look impressive for these 2D games.

OutRunners (1992).

If you've never seen this game in pictures or in videos, YOU NEED TO SEE PICTURES AND VIDEOS OF THIS GAME! This game features some of the most amazing graphics for any 2D racing game in history. The graphics are outstanding. As for the racing, it was one of the first OutRun games to where you could actually choose different cars. It also featured two different routes for you to take. It basically took what past OutRuns have done and made everything better by leaps and bounds. This is sadly the ONLY OutRun I've played in an arcade. There is great music to listen to as well.

Stadium Cross (1992).

(ADDED: March 30, 2014)
The final race of the motocross season is at SEGA Stadium. Can you win that final race? This game is a motocross/supercross style game where you are racing this track hard trying to be the very best motocross racer. The graphics are very nice, but the endless voice-over commentary can be annoying.

Grand Prix Unlimited (1992).

The full name of this PC racing title is "Road and Track Presents Grand Prix Unlimited." This game by Accolade was a 3D Formula 1 racing game for the PC. Perhaps its biggest selling point was that you could make your own tracks with the Architect mode.

Grand Prix Star (1992).

Jaleco's foray into Formula 1 racing yielded this game and this series. The first arcade title featured Hockenheim and Monte Carlo (though not using their names). What I liked about the first game is how the clouds in the air move.

Battle Grand Prix (1993).

Interesting concept, failed execution. You race a variety of courses around the world with a variety of drivers. Everything's in top-down mode with a split screen. The most interesting aspect is that you can take on a computer or human opponent in one-on-one races or in Survival Mode. The one-on-one races are usually five laps long, and it's a Best-of-3 format. The vertical split-screen format of this top-down racing game just obscures lots of things into view. There are a whole lot of tracks to choose from- all fictional tracks around the world.

Ridge Racer Full Scale (1993).

While Ridge Racer is obviously NOT a little-known or forgotten game or series, this version of Ridge Racer is little-known. This game features a Mazda Miata that you actually climb into and race. It is a theater-type game where you actually walk into this big unit housing this game and multiple screens.

World Rally Championship (1993).

(ADDED: December 5, 2013)
In what can somewhat be thought of as Gaelco's answer to the Great 1000 Miles Rally series of games, the Spanish developer created "World Rally Championship." This game has you trying to clear three courses among four different rallies. Take on San Remo, Monte Carlo, Acropolis, and 1000 Lakes. The "Competition Car" you use is not licensed, but it clearly resembles the Toyota Celica GT-FOUR that was one of the better rally cars of the 1990s.

Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order (1994).

This game plays like the two games I mentioned earlier. Difference is, you're racing rally cars around a number of different rally stages. There are two stages to each locale, and you must clear the stages in time to advance.

F1 Beyond the Limit/Heavenly Symphony (1994).

This game challenged you to take on actual scenarios from the 1993 Formula 1 World Championship. This game was for the Sega Mega CD. Really ahead of its time in giving you actual scenarios from the actual 1993 season. Graphics were quite impressive as well, even for a Genesis/Megadrive game.

Checkered Flag (1994).

For all intents and purposes, this game was basically Atari's attempt to cash in on the success of SEGA's Virtua Racing. The game for the Atari Jaguar features formula-type racing cars across any of the game's ten tracks. The game features the same sort of flat shading that Virtua Racing provided. On the other hand, you could actually set up your car for the races. You could even determine how many laps you want to run for a race.

NASCAR Racing (Papyrus, PC, 1994).

Enjoy the excitement and thunder of NASCAR in this game. This game allowed you to race as various NASCAR stars of their time. It was the first in perhaps the best-ever series of NASCAR games in history.

Virtua Racing Deluxe (1994).

Virtua Racing is the godfather of many future 3D Sega Racing Games when it was unveiled in 1992. Two years later, the little-known Virtua Racing Deluxe was released only for the Genesis/Megadrive and 32X. This game adds two new courses and two more kinds of cars to race- a stock car and a GTP prototype race car. The unreal thing about this game was that this game was every bit as fast and as fun to play as the original version. However, you had to pay a lot to get this quality to your home to use fwith your 32X.

Jaguar XJ220 (1994).

At one point, the Jaguar XJ220 was the fastest car in the world. This game allowed you to harness the unreal power and performance of this beautiful and fast car. It had fantastic music. Jaguar XJ220 was available for systems such as the SEGA CD and the Amiga.

Cool Riders (1994).

(ADDED: March 30, 2014)
Think of Cool Riders as a motorcycle version of OutRunners. When I was looking up Stadium Cross, one person on YouTube said that Cool Riders was the sequel to Stadium Cross. I'm not buying that at all because Cool Riders and Stadium Cross are two COMPLETELY different games with two completely different styles. Unlike the OutRun series, Cool Riders offers the player a choice of THREE routes rather than the usual two. And no matter which route you take, the final stop is in New York City. Choose between any number of insane motorcycles and race on over 50 different stages. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (1994-1995).

This was a game I once played before. Never played through it a whole lot, but it was a pretty good motorcycle racing game for the Super Nintendo. Not great, but good. I found out this was also a game released for the Genesis/Megadrive.

Mille Miglia (1994) and Mille Miglia 2 (1995).

Both games allowed you to race on various stages of the Mille Miglia using some of the fastest cars in their day. Absolutely challenging (yet rewarding) gameplay. The American name for this series is "Great 1000 Miles Rally." Classic cars such as the Ferrari 250 GTO can be raced in this game.

Cyber Cycles (1995).

Namco released this arcade game in 1995. Set in the future, you race with one of three different motorcycles on two different tracks. Green Hill is your basic kind of permanent race course while the more advanced course is Neo-Yokohama, a futuristic street course at night down... Yokohama in the future, apparently. I actually played this game before.

Speed Haste (1995).

I know very little about this PC game. I just personally haven't seen it before until seeing a YouTube video on it. "Speed Haste" was made by the likes of a company called Friendware. This game features races using formula cars and stock cars. It also features eight tracks. The AI is very brutal. The formula cars handle very well (as you would expect), but the stock cars are tough to handle especially since they fishtail so much.

Whiplash/Fatal Racing (1995).

This was a game I wanted to get a long time ago, but like so many '90s game I've wanted to get, I eventually didn't. All of the tracks are stunt-type tracks. Cars take considerable damage and can even be blown up. All of the cars are fictional.

Dirt Dash (1995).

Dirt Dash is a racing game featuring off-road racing cars. You race on a combination of on-road and off-road venues. You can choose what stage you want to start off at. Each stage is listed by their difficulty. You win the game if you clear all five stages in your single run. The racing is as fun as it is in the Ridge Racer games. However, it isn't as drift-crazy as the Ridge Racer titles. The stages are in order from Very Easy to Very Hard: City, Hill, Jungle, Mountain, and Snow.

King the Spirits (1995).

For the Sega Saturn, this game from Atlus allowed you the chance to get mad sideways in your four-wheeled drifting weapon. Real cars are featured, but don't have real names.

SD F1 Grand Prix (1995).

What happens when Formula 1 racing meets Super Mario Kart? You get this Super Nintendo game released only in Japan. This game features eight different characters as well as certain individual real F1 teams. You can race either every round of the Formula 1 World Championship (1994 season in the case of this game), or you can race on original tracks located all around the world. There's even somewhat of a story mode to this game as well.

Super Burnout (1995).

Some nice music was in this motorcycle racing game for the Atari Jaguar. You can choose between a number of different motorcycles and race in eight tracks in eight different countries.

F1 Challenge (Sega Saturn, 1995).

It is a very cool Sega Saturn F1 game. Lovely music as well. It features fictional courses in the Neo City environment along with a few real-world courses such as Hockenheim and Monte Carlo.

Hang-On GP '95 (1995).

Hang-On Grand Prix '95 was a modern attempt at making Hang-On relevant again. Unfortunately, it fell flat with only six tracks in a game that is nowhere near as fun as the classic Hang-On titles.

WipEout (1995).

Considering how long this series would last, not many people know about the original title. Also, I've never played the original WipEout because my first WipEout was WipEout XL.

SEGA Indy 500 (1995).

Unlike Daytona USA, this SEGA racing game actually features the track the game is named after. You can actually race on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in this game along with two fictional courses.

Kat's Run (1995).

Released by Atlus in the mid-1990s, this Super Famicom game is a high-speed racing game featuring... Kei cars. There's a storyline to this game supposedly, but I can't really tell you.

Screamer (1995) and Screamer 2 (1996).

Both screamer titles deliver intense high-speed racing. Screamer 1 puts you behind the wheel of sports cars at breakneck speed in a variety of environments. Think of it as a classic Need for Speed title, only with more edge and character. Screamer 2 wa almost purely about rally racing with rally cars in rally environments.

World Tour Racing (1996).

This game was a Formula 1-style racing game made by Teque in 1996. This game was for the Atari Jaguar (remember that epic fail of a system?). A maximum of 10 cars could be on the track at once. You could participate in a full racing weekend or just run some single races.

Super GT 24H (1996, from Jaleco).

DO NOT confuse this game with the beautiful Sega racing title, "Sega Super GT"/"SCUD Race." While this game doesn't have the beautiful Sega graphics and Sega racing gameplay, this is a game that uses the Sega Model 2 engine. The biggest draw to this game is the beautiful time cycles. When you race the Long course, you note afternoon become evening, evening become night, night become morning, and more. While it's mediocre, it's worth a look just to see the long course and the nice time cycle.

GTI Club (1996).

One of the more unusual racing games is GTI Club from Konami. This 1996 title has you racing in a setting somewhat similar to Monte Carlo. Find the shortcuts to have a better chance of winning the race or completing the race.

GT Racing (1996).

This game was released in 1996 for the Super Famicom. You race around eight different Japanese race tracks with a number of real world cars. Cars come from makes ranging from Alfa Romeo to Toyota.

Speed Up!

(ADDED: December 5, 2013)
"Speed Up!" is about one thing- making sure not to finish last. The lowest-ranked racer after each lap is eliminated until there are only two drivers are left. Last driver standing after every other driver gets eliminated wins!

SODA Off-Road Racing (1997).

More people know "Monster Truck Madness" than "SODA Off-Road Racing." I know very little about this game, except I heard you could make your own off-road courses. SODA stands for the Short-course Off-road Drivers Association. The series was founded in early 1970s and later was defunct as the CORR (Championship Off-Road Racing) series was created in 1997.

Top Gear Rally (1997).

Think Top Gear, and you think of the insanity of the three Top Gear hosts and the Stig. However, this is NOT the Top Gear we are discussing. This is Top Gear Rally for the Nintendo 64. It was also called Boss World Rally (I believe). Up to 20 cars can compete on a track as you have a bevy of car settings, track settings, and more to become a championship rally racer across these very long rally courses. You need to listen to the introduction to this game, made by Barry Leitch. It's one of the most awesome songs used in any racing game. It's a mellow electronica-type song, but it has a fierce edge to it. MUST hear!

Grand Tour Racing '98 (1997).

Grand Tour Racing '98 (called "Total Driving" in Europe) is a game featuring five different kinds of race cars across six different locations. You can race for eight different teams. You need to keep racing with one team and winning races with that team to unlock every event. Be warned when you unlock later courses- some of the later races can be brutally unfair with any number of hazards on the road. These hazards can range from ramps to missing guardrails. One unique aspect of this game- flying off the track or drowning your car will usually have you respawn on the track in most games; if you drown your car in this game, the race is over, and you must either retire or restart.

POD (1997).

In 1997, a revolutionary processor called the MMX was unveiled, delivering amazing performance. This was one of the first games to capitalize on this. I had a very weak computer when I got a demo of this game from PC Gamer magazine. POD stands for "Planet of Death."

XCar Experimental Racing (1997).

XCar Experimental Racing was a PC game made by Bethesda Softworks. You race with experimental, futuristic race cars. You can even make and tune your own cars in this game. You then take them to any number of race tracks. The tracks are a mix of real and fictional courses. This game is really one of the more detailed titles of any kind of racing game.

Burning Road 2 (1997).

Where else can you enjoy racing cars and motorcycles on the same track? Drive hard or ride hard!

F1 Pole Position 64 (1997).

Mentioned earlier, this game was released as "F1 Pole Position" for the Nintendo 64 in the States, but this game originally made by HUMAN entertainment was actually very lackluster. The American version was published by NAMCO.

All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (JGTC) (1998 for PlayStation 1).

This game was a mystery until a future YouTube friend of mine shown me this game for the first time ever. This game allows you to race some of the finest (then) JGTC cars in its time on some of the most intense courses raced by the series now known as Super GT.

J's Racin'.

Enjoy the full impact of Super Taikyu in "J's Racin'! This is the premier endurance racing series in Japan feauting some incredible cars bred and tuned for racing. It's all production-based cars rather than anything along the lines of a silhouette race car. It is similar to the JGTC game I mentioned previously.

F-1 World Grand Prix (1998?).

Video System created the only American-shipped game in the long-running "F-1 Grand Prix" series of games, which dates back to 1991. It's was one of the best simulation racing games for the Nintendo 64. You could even challenge yourself to relive history... or rewrite history. You had a number of scenarios to challenge your abilities with.

WipEout 64 (1998).

The only WipEout for the Nintendo 64 was basically WipEout XL for the N64. But for what you get, it's pretty amazing what this game was able to achieve. Maybe the most fun aspect is that you could play multiplayer action without needing some kind of link cable like with the PlayStation 1. Everything you love about WipEout XL is in lovely detail for the Nintendo 64. This game contains certain Super Weapons and about eight cool songs. Considering this is on an N64 cartridge, it was amazing just finding out what this game was able to accomplish including featuring some cool music.

GT64 Championship Edition (1998).

This 3D racing adventure for the Nintendo 64 was pretty boring as a whole. However, I do remember playing and renting this game. All of the cars are from the All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (JGTC, now known as Super GT). You are only racing on street courses. The American version has three different course with two different variations each. If you think this game is too much on racing on city streets, you'd be exactly right when you learn that the name of this game's Japanese variant is called (thanks: Wikipedia) "City Tour Grand Prix: Zen Nihon GT Senshuken." And the Japanese version has one extra track not released for the North American and European versions that runs through Kyoto.

Racing Lagoon (1999).

In an attempt to merge role-playing games with racing, Squaresoft (now SquareEnix) came up with Racing Lagoon. The "battle" sequences are kind of like random battles that automatically load you into these quick races. All of the racing was basically capitalizing on Japanese street racing and Japanese drifting culture. This was basically a true "Car-PG." Victory in battle yields you some credits good for tuning your car. Probably a good thing only Squaresoft made this possible, because I doubt some other company would have succeeded in merging the worlds of RPGs and racing.

World Driver Championship (1999).

While it couldn't hold a candle to PlayStation's Gran Turismo series, World Driver Championship is considered by many to be the most beautiful racing game ever on the Nintendo 64. You're racing GT2-spec cars across mostly city streets. Gameplay is a bit boring, but it does have its exciting moments. The music can be a bit intolerable. The cars resemble certain real-world GT race cars, but are all fiction.

Rollcage (1999).

I haven't played this futuristic game, but it is pretty fast and exciting. I heard some other company made a racing game to be called "Rollcage," but the one eventually released and sold in stores was made by Attention to Detail and published by Psygnosis- the same company famous for publishing the WipEout series.

Castrol Honda Superbike (1999).

When I downloaded a demo of this game, this game has EXCEPTIONAL control of your motorcycle. And as the name suggests, you can only play as the Castrol Honda team like from the Castrol Honda RC45. Versions of Castrol Honda Superbike were available for the PC and for the PlayStation 1.

Ferrari F355 F1 Challenge (1999).

SEGA's finest simulation-type racing game was "Ferrari F355 F1 Challenge." I played the arcade version, and it is VERY hard as well as very rewarding. This game really tests you as you race against seven other Ferrari 355 F1 Challenge cars.

NASCAR Arcade (Arcade, 2000).

SEGA and EA Sports collaborated in creating "NASCAR Arcade" for arcades. This NASCAR game lets you race any number of NASCAR drivers from the 1999 season and pits them against three tracks- Talladega (Easy), Richmond (Medium), and Watkins Glen (Hard). Draft well down the straights and climb up the pack as best as you can. Reaching a certain position on the track will give you extended time in completing the race. This was an alright game. Don't expect this to be like... another stock car racing game SEGA made, that's more popular.

Superbike 2001 (2000).

EA Sports' Superbike series may be the best simulation motorcycle racing game series of all time. Too bad there weren't as many good motorcycle racing games. There is a deficiency of them now except for the MotoGP series of games. I have only played the demo to the PC version. All of the racing is based on the World Superbike Championship.

Emergency Call Ambulance (2000).

If crashing cars is your thing, you will EASILY fail in this game. Your job is to transport patients hurt in accidents and incidents safely to get medical help. Each crash and impact will lessen the health of the patient you're carrying. If that person's health runs out, you've killed the patient, and the game will be over.

Club Kart: European Session (2000).

Not many realistic kart racing games were created. SEGA changed all of that when they released "Club Kart: European Session" for the SEGA Dreamcast and arcades.

Kinetica (2001).

Everyone had their ideas on the future of racing. For this game, you ARE the car! You race with these spiked gears or blades against other opponents in fierce competition.

Off-Road Redneck Racing (2001).

This was an off-road racing game within the universe or realm of the Redneck Rampage first-person shooter realm.

Total Immersion Racing (2002).

A breath of fresh air was provided from all the various disciplines of motorsport when "Total Immersion Racing" was released. It was one of few games featuring sportscar racing. Razorworks produced the game while Empire Interactive published this experience. You could race both real and fictional courses. You could race some of the finest GT and prototype race cars of this game's time. That includes machines such as the BMW M3 GTR, Panoz LMP Roadster, Audi R8 LMP, and more. In the PC version of this game, multiple classes of car compete at the same time on the track; but you're only responsible for winning in your class.

Quantum Redshift (2002).

Quantum Redshift may be one of the most beautiful XBOX racing games ever. It was no WipEout or F-Zero, but it was truly beautiful. The game is a bit on the cheap side with its storyline. You can pick up powerups and weapons to enhance the experience. A nice electronic dance music soundtrack compliments this game.

V-Rally 3 (2002).

This was a game I'd see often on bargain basement shelves and bins. Looking at it for the PlayStation 2, it's just so beautiful to look at. It's a beautiful-looking racing game even today.

GTC Africa (2002).

In this game, you race in various locations in Africa. GTC stands for "Global Touring Challenge." I'm not sure how to explain this game. You're mostly racing rally cars across various cities and countries in Africa. But that's as much as I know about this game, unfortunately...

Shox: Extreme Rally (2002).

Shox is a rally racing game that is part of the EA Sports BIG franchise (I didn't know it was made by EA Sports BIG before researching this game). I also thought this was an XBOX-only game. Shox itself is a rallycross-type game featuring a variety of real rally cars like the Lancia Stratos, the Toyota Celica GT-FOUR, and the Peugeot 306 among others. When you cross into a Shox Zone, you must complete a certain section within the time limit to pocket extra money. This game would make even a future title- DiRT- pale in comparison action-wise. Impacts with the walls end up costing you money.

Auto Modellista (2002-2003).

"Auto Modellista" was Capcom's first racing game (unless you account for "Slipstream" from 1995). This game sold itself mostly in terms of customization. The game has a beautiful artistic feel as everything is all cell-shaded. The game almost feels like you're driving in a comic book with the graphics. Its driving model was fairly unimpressive. Garage Life was the story mode of "Auto Modellista." With about 60-70 cars and about six tracks, you could only enjoy Auto Modellista so much.

Grand Prix Challenge (2002-2003).

G4 TV show "X-Play" gave this game a "2 out of 5" because of its intense challenge. More sim-happy racers think this is one of the best Formula 1 racing games ever for the PlayStation 2. It has beautiful graphics and some nice music. It's based on the 2002 season of F1.

R: Racing Evolution (2003).

While not a true Rider Racer title, this was an attempt by Namco to make a more sim-oriented title in the Ridge Racer universe. Real-world cars and venues were featured including some fictional courses. This is a story-driven game NOT set in the realm of the Ridge Racer series. You play are Rena, an ambulance driver who has racing talent. You're going to be the next-best racing phenom. Standing in your way is your sworn rival, Gina.

Apex (2003).

The XBOX-exclusive "Apex" was made by Milestone and published by Atari in 2003. It is a racing game complete with a handful of concept cars. You do get to contend against real cars from real manufacturers. This game's story mode is called "Dream Mode," as you are credited with creating your own car company from scratch and be a racing power. The most important part of all of this is to go racing.

GT Cube (2003) and GT Pro Series (2006-2007).

MTO made "GT Cube" for the Nintendo Gamecube in 2003. This cell-shaded racing game is really the only thing close to a Nintendo-exclusive Gran Turismo-type game. The GT series itself is really the only thing close to Nintendo-exclusive Gran Turismo. Ubisoft would publish this game for the Nintendo Wii in the form of "GT Pro Series" a few years later.

F-Zero Climax (2004).

This game is foreign to me, but looks incredibly exciting as an entry in the F-Zero franchise!

C1 Racing Battle/C1 Grand Prix (2005).

The United States never got in on this game. This is a racing game from the underrated racing game maker, Genki. It looked to have a combination of circuit racing and drifting and a bevy of interesting cars to tune and race. It's described as a car tuning RPG. It looks like a great game. Just a shame the US didn't get this.

WRC: Rally Evolved (2005).

Never released to the United States, this game offers impressive detail on rally racing in the World Rally Championship. The scope of cars you can race is amazing- everything ranging from current (as of the cars in the game at its time) rally cars to classics can be raced. The action is pretty awesome from what I've seen. Unfortunately, I think this game was ONLY marketed for Europe.

Asphalt Urban GT 2 (N-Gage, 2005).

The N-Gage has been a fading memory in its own right. However, this game looked pretty good for such a forgotten game system.

...and all of these are games I can actually remember to share with you! Many more racing games are out there. Many of which... not really known or are forgotten.

That was a LOT of reading! And well... this was a lot of games I've found on YouTube. Note that some games from my YouTube list were not included in this massive blog entry. All I can say is... if you love racing games, learn to love and appreciate the entire scope of racing games from the past and the present. This list gives you some much-needed insight. The moral of this blog entry? Appreciate all racing games both past and present. They bring so many things to the table even if most of them aren't as classic or as loved as other racing games.

Now that you did all of this reading, get on with your life already! :) Thank you for reading!

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