Thursday 16 July 2015

The Future of JGTS

For my Gran Turismo fans, I am sorry I have not updated this blog much. I began "John's Gran Turismo Space" with providing a continuous supply of Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy related material. I am still interested in the upcoming Gran Turismo 6. However, I haven't done much updating. There is also another reason why I have been feeling a bit down on myself updating JGTS. You see, I am not good often times at sticking to certain things. I created JGTS to focus solely on the Gran Turismo series. But at the same time, I didn't want to turn a niche-type blog into something outside of its niche. My main blog, "John's Blog Space" began as a Gran Turismo blog before I decided to blog about almost anything else that crossed my mind. And the rest is history, right?

I want to assure everyone that I do more blogging than just in my GT blog. I love the Gran Turismo series, and while I sometimes try to incorporate other racing games into this blog, part of me wants to make this still about the Gran Turismo series... but open the floor to other racing games. So JGTS may essentially still be about Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy... while also featuring elements of and other material from other racing games. I don't want to do this because I've already established JGTS as a GT-only blog. So why would I really open the floor to other material besides what I initially marketed this blog to be? I would feel like I would have cheated a lot of my readers/visitors by going in a different direction than a blog's intended purpose.

So therefore, I have reached a certain decision regarding the future of this blog. Disregard the next section if you are not reading the full blog post. What? Did you think I was going to show my announcement from the main page? Think again! :P If you want to read the announcement I have to make, make sure you are reading the full blog post by clicking on "Read More" if you are not viewing this full post. If you want to follow this blog (or any of my others), use the table below to get social with me. Also, don't forget to...

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Okay. Thank all of you who continued on to read the announcement I have to make regarding the future of "John's Gran Turismo Space." So what will be the future of this fine blog? Here is the decision I have come to...

--- The Future of JGTS ---

"John's Gran Turismo Space" will NOT be discontinued. I am not going to change the official name of this blog. It will still be about the Gran Turismo series and of Tourist Trophy. The blog's official colors will remain Amethyst Purple and Moonlight Silver. However, this blog will be about many more racing games. It will also feature material regarding other racing games.

The reason why I came to this decision is because I want to extend the life of this blog while also offering more material to make it more enjoyable for other fans of racing games. I also did not want to eliminate this blog just to make a new one. I have been blogging for years. It takes a whole lot of work to make a blog and then try to get my current audience to somehow get with a new blog. So rather than go through all of that, I will try to offer more material in my main blog.

I want this blog to continue to be prosperous and useful. So because of my unyielding love of racing/driving games, I want to extend this blog's life and provide more useful content that I know people will likely pick up on and enjoy. Newer content from this point forward will not undermine or ruin the main point of this blog. Think of it more as a love of racing games from someone who passionately contributes to it. I want to evolve this blog as well as have a proper avenue to discuss things I want to discuss. And more importantly, I want to contribute to society. My posts and my thoughts all contribute to the society of us gamers and us racing game and driving game fans. More important than any commentary I make is providing material that is useful. Nothing is uploaded to the Internet if I don't think it has any value. That won't change even as I discuss other racing games and aspects of racing games in addition to my Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy content.

Why This Decision?

I love blogging. I love expressing myself. My ability to discuss the Gran Turismo series and offer resources for this long has been a great highlight of my JGTS blogging. But at the same time, I also believe in extending the life of certain material I publish because I know I don't blog for myself, and I don't blog for money (though I wouldn't mind being compensated for my work). Some of my posts from my main blog- "John's Blog Space" would be better suited for JGTS rather than not get as many hits on JBS. I don't want certain topics to just die.

Long story short... I just want this blog to be as successful as my others. So a lot of the content from JBS will be moved over to JGTS, and some of it may even be vastly updated. The key word to all of this is "evolution." All I am looking for here is evolution of my content. Because of my passion to continue what I've started, I want to find new ways to keep my audience interested. I'll do as much as I can to make this as interesting for non-GT types as I am for other Gran Turismo fans.

Part of this decision is the desire and the need to provide resources to others. That is why I am pushing to keep this blog relevant and useful for all readers and visitors. I even have some topics in mind that I never got to discuss or release in my main blog. There are even topics that I don't think would be well suited to my main blog, so that is why I will use this blog to discuss more material regarding racing/driving games here.

So now you know more about my decision to take this new direction of my blog.

Fears and Potential Reactions.

Some people may probably say that this would no longer be a Gran Turismo blog since I made the announcement that I will feature more general racing game content and other racing games than just Gran Turismo. Just know this blog will still mostly be about Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy. Its roots will not be ruined just because I decided to take this blog in a new direction. So fear not on that front.

Some others may want to criticize that my inability to continually and regularly provide Gran Turismo content for this blog previously was the reason why I wanted to take this new direction with JGTS.

Any other criticisms that I haven't thought about that you want to take on me, fire away! :)

What You Will See Here in the Future.

Here are a few talking points:

• Prepare to see more content regarding other racing games including various blog post series primarily regarding other racing games. One of those is my "Elements of Racing Games" series from John's Blog Space, which is a basic look at various racing games and certain elements of most racing games.

• I will provide blog posts regarding other racing games in hopes to land more fans of racing games to my blog here. You know you are going to get comments on other racing games with the quality that I present in my posts. That SURELY will not change.

• A lot of the early posts will be former posts from "John's Blog Space" edited and updated with new content. They may even include old Gran Turismo posts I did on JBS updated for JGTS.

• Completely new content will be made available for this blog. I may even offer various other thoughts on various other racing/driving games and compare them to what Gran Turismo provides. I will surely try to be non-biased.

• Resources, commentary, and thoughts on other racing games will be made available for this blog. For example, you may see a post regarding some of the fastest cars early on in "Need for Speed: SHIFT." Or you may see advice on how to win at "Shooting Hoops" in Ridge Racer Type 4. You may even get to see some of my thoughts regarding certain elements of the Forza Motorsport series. I may provide my own look at the Calendar system in Enthusia Professional Racing. Basically- you will see material about other racing games in addition to the usual Gran Turismo material I provide. This is all about providing material everyone can take in and (hopefully) enjoy.

You now have a look at what I hope to provide in the future for this blog.

Final Thoughts.

I just want to provide the most complete and most interesting material possible online. I hope all of you who enjoy reading my blog posts continue to enjoy my material. I'm sure you will have new reason to appreciate my content if you so enjoy it. You will note some of the different changes when more posts and topics become available to JGTS. In addition to being a Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy blog, I also want this to be enjoyable for many kinds of racing/driving games. It is all about expressing as much as I want to express in my many posts. You won't be disappointed... or at least I hope not to disappoint you.

And don't forget- you can always comment and share my material! Your comments and questions are always welcome to my posts. Just remember- no spam, personal attacks, or anything like that.

That concludes this look at the future of "John's Gran Turismo Space." And again- I greatly apologize for not providing more posts to this blog when I really could have made more material available. Maybe this new direction for JGTS will help keep this blog active with content. Your support is ALWAYS appreciated, so don't stop supporting my content if you enjoy it. Thank you for reading!

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