Friday 24 July 2015

Best Wishes to Polyphony Digital

Polyphony Digital began moving 50 of its members from Tokyo to Fukuoka not too long ago. This move originated from the Tohoku Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami. They also want to expand in their move to Fukuoka. I read that PD is even considering to set up a game development school or studio there as well. If you don't know where Fukuoka is, it is a city in western Japan on For more information on this deal, please check out this article by my friends over on

"Polyphony Digital to Continue Expansion in Fukuoka, Japan," on

I apologize to my Gran Turismo fans for not posting anything lately on "John's Gran Turismo Space." Still, I am mostly just thinking of the next thing to post about. Best wishes to Polyphony Digital in their expansion. Maybe this will allow them to expand and probably increase their development efforts. Perhaps even consider doing a lot more outsourcing. I hope this move will help out Polyphony Digital for a long time to come.

Once again, my best wishes go out to Polyphony Digital and all of their hard work in making and keeping Gran Turismo one of the best racing game franchises of all time. Thank you for reading.

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