Wednesday 30 December 2015

JGTS Salute to GTPlanet

I want to make a JGTS salute to GTPlanet as my final post of 2011 for this blog. GTPlanet has been the only online community devoted to Gran Turismo that I have been a part of. I have been part of this message board since December 5, 2003. I had initially joined just to follow news on Gran Turismo 4. It has since blossomed to me making GTPlanet my favorite message board of any kind. It was my online message board home after having so many problems trying to get along with people on a long-defunct message board called Speedsims (where I've felt like crap and unwelcome to a number of people). I have seen and encountered many people of many walks of life post on this message board. Among the people of GTP, I have felt like family there. GTPlanet is literally its own planet with millions of people whom have joined the message boards and many more who read the latest Gran Turismo news. I have been more than pleased to encounter so many people.

Perhaps a strength of how strong the Gran Turismo community is was when I posted about the kiosk demo of Gran Turismo 5 back in 2010. I received SO MANY BLOG HITS from GTPlanet's news tidbit that I earned loads of readers in such short time. The hits came from all over the world and back. Even other message boards linked to my blog post on John's Blog Space. The hits came from almost everywhere- United States, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, most of continental Europe, Mauritus (an African island nation east-northeast of Madagascar), Australia, and New Zealand among many other places. I even try to get some casual readers from GTPlanet to visit "John's Gran Turismo Space."

I had already done one of these blog posts saluting GTPlanet back on "John's Blog Space." However, I want to salute GTPlanet here since JGTS is a more proper Gran Turismo environment than my "anything and everything" environment on John's Blog Space. The person I'd most like to thank is Jordan. Jordan is the founder and administrator of GTPlanet. I also salute the many Moderators for maintaining GTPlanet, keeping it fun and active. I am thankful for all of the many wonderful people worldwide whom I've gotten to meet on this site.

Are You Visiting JGTS from GTPlanet?

If you are visiting my blog from GTPlanet, let me welcome you to my GT-specific blog. I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to look around and see the many resources I've put together. Most of all, thank you for visiting!

Learn more about GTPlanet by visiting You can get social with GTPlanet by finding its Facebook fan page and its Twitter feed, all of which can be found on GTPlanet. I hope all of you have a happy and safe new year! Thank you for reading!

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