Tuesday 29 December 2015

Formula Racer 2012

Formula Racer 2012 runs on the same engine as Formula Racer, but FR2012 offers a little different experience from its Formula Racer counterpart. The sequel offers a different experience in the sense of how you get through the game. Kongregate and Turbo Nuke are back at it again with this game. The biggest difference between the two titles is that this one involves three different car classes as opposed to the one formula car you use. I will be sure to fill you in on the various details to help discuss this racing game to you all.

--- Formula Racer 2012 ---

This is your first look at the sequel of Formula Racer, "Formula Racer 2012":

Formula Racer 2012
^ from: sticklebackgames.com (best I could find) - Formula Racer 2012 offers three classes of racing, 12 tracks, and one high-speed thrill ride.

Formula Racer 2012 is the sequel to "Formula Racer." As such, it runs on the same engine as Formula Racer. The experience here is different because you race with and against three different classes of car in this game. You can upgrade your car to any number of offered levels. Also, you can set up each car to any number of attributes. Take advantage of these things to help make yourself the most unstoppable force on the track. Unlike "Formula Racer," "Formula Racer 2012" only has certain tracks exclusive to each class. So you will be racing certain tracks using certain cars. Each race lasts two laps and features 32 cars to a track, including your car. You can pick a certain color scheme for your car unlike in Formula Racer. Also different about this game is the fact that you can choose between dry tires and wet tires. The game will specify what whether conditions will have. Picking the wrong tires doesn't necessarily mean you are going to struggle for grip and speed. It just means you'll have to work that much harder to try to win.

Here is a brief look at each of the classes, cars, and tracks.

Formula Racer 2012: Race Class 1.

The Race Class 1 car you will race with resembles the various Caterham models. Or if you know your older cars, they resemble something like the Lotus Super 7 cars (which most Caterhams are based on to begin with). Five upgrade levels are offered for this car. Here are the three races you will be involved in:

• USA - a high-speed romp in a city environment.
• Malaysia - A very quick course in a tropical jungle setting.
• Brazil - a very fast, yet technical course.

Formula Racer 2012: Race Class 2.

Once you unlock Race Class 2, you will be racing faster cars and more difficult tracks than in Race Class 1. The Race Class 2 car, unlike the Race Class 1 car, is a more proper race car. It sort of resembles a vintage F1 car from the 1980s or so. These cars are still quite powerful and fast. There are eight upgrade levels for the Race Class 2 car. You will need those upgrades taking on the more furious competition. Prepare yourself for these four races:

• Australia - here is a tricky course in a desert-like environment.
• Canada - a lot of the corners are fairly sharp here.
• China - tough corners and little straightaways make up this course.
• France - a fairly small course in a tropical urban setting.

Formula Racer 2012: Race Class 3.

This class boasts the fastest and most capable car. It also boasts the most difficult courses. Your car in Race Class 3 can be upgraded to 12 levels. It wasn't easy getting your way from the Class 1 events to this level. With that said, you know you're going to have to really show your strength if you figure into being a champion of racing by taking on these five courses:

• Great Britain - a twisty course with a handful of left-right switchbacks.
• Germany - a few difficult corners, but otherwise quite fast.
• Spain - smooth corners transition quickly to sharp corners. Be careful!
• Turkey - many sweeping corners and switchbacks make up this course, including one VERY long sweeping corner.
• India - tricky switchbacks and undulating roads will rack your brain here.

Most of the advice I've provided in "Formula Racer" also apply to "Formula Racer 2012." The only thing I recommend is that you finish every race, even if you finish dead last. The key to success in this game is in making the money. You need every bit of coin to upgrade your car and unlock tracks and cars. Don't forget also to upgrade. If your car is fully upgraded, everything relies on racing ability. I hope you have enough so you can become champion.

It is now time I offer a review on this game.

--- Formula Racer 2012: Review ---

"Formula Racer 2012" is not much different from "Formula Racer," but it is just as fun and fast-paced as the previous game. The level of challenge is just right. This game will not frustrate you or make you feel it is impossible to beat. Decent, skillful driving should yield you great results. This is another great job by the combination of Kongregate and Turbo Nuke.

Want to Play?

If you have LOADS of time to waste, here is a sample video featuring "Formula Racer 2012":

^ "Formula Racer 2012 - Flash Game"

You can play "Formula Racer 2012" right now by following this link: Formula Racer 2012 on Kongregate. For more online games from Kongregate and Turbo Nuke visit their respective websites: www.kongregate.com and www.turbonuke.com.

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